Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 Not all love triangles are like that. The MC doesn't usually have actual feelings for both. It does happen, but usually he has feelings for one and maybe the other turns him later. But this guy, like Shindou form Amano Megumi has pretty much had feelings for both from the start. And the only reason he doesn't realize it about the second girl is because he's not letting himself see it. There are some like this but not all love triangles.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi No? Vast majority of love triangles are precisely like that. The fact that Akari has her own love interest beyond Jirou and they are both wanting to help each other with their loves makes this way too different. Manabu and Jirou aren't remotely similar, Akari and Amano aren't remotely similar, the girl Manabu has a crush on barely even exists while Shiori has a substantial role and is much different to her so called counterpart.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 Manabu and Jirou are way similar. Yeah Manabu studies like crazy, but that's pretty much the only difference, their social skills are pretty much exactly the same. Akari has also pretty much given up on her love interest now. It's pretty clear she wants Jirou's attention and affection. Shiori as a character though isn't actually that different from the girl Manabu is chasing after either just how present they are is different.

But how similar the characters are to eachother in individual traits is not what makes one story similar to another. Because unless one story is a copy of the other that wont really happen. The similarity is the dynamic. Most love triangle stories are either MC likes one girl, and a second girl likes him. Yes there are two 'love interest' but he is generally only interested in one of them at the start. And the other one eventually grows on him. There are other variations too, but it's rare that the MC is actually legitimately interested in two separate girls from the start, and not the 'play boy' kinda interested. He's honestly trying to stick with one to the point that he is subconsciously blocking out his interest in the other girl.

This isn't the "He's to dumb to notice she likes him" kinda MC. He already knows it subconsciously, it's pretty obvious by how easy it is for him to pick up when she's mad at him for things without saying it. He just wont let himself consciously realize it. He thinks "It's impossible she likes me." to keep himself from getting 'side tracked'. Which is the same thing Manabu was doing. And like Megumi's manga, we're not seeing the 2nd girl(Megumi/Akari) try any big 'stunts' to try and get MC's attention, nor is she trying to 'steal' him or do anything underhanded. She's just trying to do her best in the little things to get him to look her way.

Edit: And for clarity sake, I am not saying this is "the same" as Amano Megumi. I am saying there are similarities, enough that while I was reading this is made me think of that manga. Don't get up in a tissy over two manga in the same genre reminding people of each other.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi Jirou is a legitimate loser while Manabu isn't, he's pretty smart and stays away from everyone out of his own volition, he's also pretty good as household stuff and still decently well respected in his class.
Amano has been in love with Manabu since their childhood, and has never had another love interest, is very well aware of her love for him as well, Akari has been in love with another guy for a long time and is only recently starting to like Jirou instead, while still being interested in the other guy, who doesn't really like her.
Shiori genuinely loves Jirou, the other girl in Amano has no affection for Manabu at all, she's a nice girl but hasn't really had any special mind for Manabu. Shiori on the other hand has likes Jirou for a long time.
Again, you say that about love triangles but this is literally the most common cliche, I don't understand how come you haven't seen this exact thing play out multiple times by now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 Manabu isn't 'pretty smart' he's dilligent. If he was so smart he wouldn't have to study so much. And Manabu is also lacking in social skills, he chooses to stay away from people, but he's also poor at articulating himself with dealing with girls. As shown by the stuff with the shogi girl. He might be able to talk with people, but conveying his emotions and thoughts is not something he's good at. Whehter or not he's respected in the class has noting to do with the story.

How far back Amano's feelings go have nothing to do with the story, it's a matter of how long it took them to show up in the story. You're nit picking at very tiny details that doesn't even make up the 'personality' or 'identity' of the characters and trying to say that makes things leagues different.

If this is so common give me 5 love triangles that were set up and worked out like this one. Because I'm not insinuating that they don't exist, merely that this isn't the standard formula, but you're saying it is, so it should be easy to throw out a bunch.

And for clarification, simply "Boy likes girl, but Girl B starts liking him" does not qualify, because this story is more than that.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi Every single harem manga. Also, being so diligent that you score very high is the same as being smart, don't believe what anime says that smartness js entirely talent. The recent culture festival arc showed what kind of a person Manabu is in his own class. How he dealt with being the organiser and helped the other girl, Jirou is just yet another bottom feeder.

Again, Amano being in love with Manabu from the start makes a ton of difference as the story of these two become vastly different, while one is about a girl winning over the guy she loves, the other is two people who like other people being forced together into a situation and falling for each other instead.

Ore X Yome was another story about a guy and a woman being considered to be best marriage material despite being vastly different and the guy being in love with another girl, then the two fell in love with each other instead. Good Ending is also similar in that regard.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 working hard does not mean you're 'smart'. It means your'e diligent. If he was smart he'd be able to reatin the infomraiton mell and wouldn't need to study at the abnormal pace he does. Is he smarter than Jirou, maybe, but also Jirou doesn't really try, if Jirou tried that hard maybe he'd be in the same position as Manabu.

Now I like how I have tasked you with proving your point, that this set up is common. And you have provided no proof. So yeah, you're full of BS on that. If you can't think of an answer, then it's obviously not as common as you'er saying.

And Amano liking him at the start does make a huge difference. But it's the same here. You're saying they are 'forced together'. But so are Amano and Manabo, they're bound together by 'childhood friends' and their family closeness. Manabu even tries to distance himself some early on and can't. And Akari jsut like Amano is working to get the guy she like's attention, from the other girl. She tries to get closer, but the guy keeps pushing away. She doesn't resort to anything 'unfair' or underhanded, and tries to win purely on the merit of herself, without trying to down the other girl. She's also forward, and there are a lot of 'intimate' moments by the nature of their relationship, but she's too 'clumsy' with love to just outright admit her love for the MC. You can't tell me that isn't the case with both these stories.

And GE is about as similar to this as Amano Megumi is, and I read GE through to the end so I know that for sure.

So yeah, I'm done talking to you, you are offended by something stupid, and you just want these stories to be 'nothing like each other' for some reason. Maybe you don't like one for some reason? I don't know. But you're making up reasons they can't be the same now, and you have yet to actually disprove any similarities I have brought up. You just go "Well they have these differences"
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi No ones offended here, you're just stating something exceedingly stupid and being called out on it. Getting results means that you're smart, that's how it works in real life. Jirou hasn't been shown to be capable in anything. I did provide examples, you even called it out.

Childhood friends are not forced together by any means, Amano forces herself on Manabu, as we saw that they never once interacted during middle school.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 "Getting results means you're smart" XD that is the dumbest thing I've heard. In the real world, getting results mean you did your job. That's not smart. Smart is going above expectations, smart doesn't mean you don't have to work hard, but smart means you have to do less than other people to obtain it. Smart means you're better than average. Manabu is working harder than everyone else in his class, Jirou isn't working at all. Their results are different because their effort is different.

You listed two examples. Even if you're right, that's 2 out of hundreds of manga, doesn't prove this is common. And your examples aren't right, because GE is further away from this than Amano Megumi is, especially if you start considering tone.

And 'childhood friends' can be 'stuck together'. Asian cultures aren't so much like western cultures. They're much quicker to lump people together on stuff like that, and if you have friends from childhood that you can still get in contact with your parents are more likely to put you two together for stuff and have you cooperate and work together because there is a stronger since of community over there. Even if it's died down some IRL, that 'attitude' hasn't really died in manga.

So yeah, the only stupid one here is you. Debates don't work the way you think they do. You can't just throw out words and say "I'm right". You gotta actually back it up with something. And all you've done is prove the two stories are not identical(Which no one said they were identical). You haven't proved they're 'not similar' nor have you proved that this story's development is 'common' in fact you've made it harder to prove that by nitpicking at things like Manabu being studious and Jirou not. Because now that means if whatever manga you say has a studious character, "It's not the same" by your own evaluation.

You've said a whole lot, but it's been a lot of gum-flapping like a 12 year old who just doesn't want to be wrong. But then again you actually picked this argument in the first place, where the burden of proof on my end is way way lower than your's. So I guess you really aren't that smart anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi At the end of the day the only thing that matters is results, and Manabu gets them, and that's why he's considered to be smart. Jirou is an utter failure.
And hell, even if you don't consider Manabu to be smart, the fact that he's a hard worker who is part of his school's elite course is already very good compared to Jirou who has nothing.
Again, regarding childhood friends, Manabu and Amano hadn't interacted a single time during middle school, they weren't forced together at all, Amano forces herself into his life out of her own volition.
Don't move the goalposts so much, you asked for examples and I provided them. All love triangles are about a person in the middle having trouble in choosing between two love interests, that's literally the most common point.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Darklight99 I asked for 5 examples, you provided 2. The fact that I'm even entertaining your answers and not saying you failed is moving the goalpost in your favor. But if you're going to acknowledge Good EnDing is "Like this manga" then Amano Megumi is.

Also if you actually read the manga, a lot of their interactions are pushed by their parents early on. Even later they still get involved a lot. If you can't see that you're just blind

And Jirou isn't a 'failure' he's just not super academic, but that's beside the point. If they have to be equally 'smart' for their stories to be comparable, GE is nothing like this manga because no one is as hard core Gyaru as Akari. Or does the exact particulars of their personality not actually matter?

I already know the answer, but this is my last post to you, because you're obviously either a child, or not actually thinking about what you're saying. Maybe you've gotten your way all your life and no one has ever challenged you. But in the real world, we want proof.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@WillLi Literally every harem and love triangles are like this. Hell even fucking Twilight was this and it used to be the poster child of love triangles, the Hunger Games as well. You have provided no reason as to how Amano and this are remotely similar, you say Jirou isn't a failure which shows that you haven't even read this manga, considering his character is being the lowest class kid.

Their parents only push them because Amano pushes herself, you still haven't provided a refutation to the fact that they never once interacted during the entirety of middle school.

What's so similar about Manabu and Jirou, Manabu is an elite course who knows what he wants and works hard for it, Jirou likes Shiori but does nothing about it by himself, Amano loves Manabu a lot and keeps trying to hang out with him, Akari loves the other guy and was forced to pretend to be a married couple with Jirou and is gradually falling for Jirou. Shiori is also in love with Jirou, the other girl in Amano has no affection for Manabu.
Dec 20, 2019
It would be classic and a bit stormy, if Shiori found these two. (I hope not)

By the way, it's rather contradictory, since Akari's goal is Tenjin Minami and she knows Yakuin wants to be the guy for Shiori, but she still made moves towards Jirou (just like the invitation to the beach stall).

In my opinion, Jirou has already shown politeness (maybe to keep a safety distance?) for many times. It seems like Akari is determined, otherwise I would say the moves/effort she has made could be in vain.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
What do we do!!

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