Gacha wo Mawashite Nakama wo Fuyasu Saikyou no Bishoujo Gundan wo Tsukuriagero

Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2020
Gotta brainwash those japanese otakus even more to spend thousands on jpg waifus and idle game play.
We really need a battlefront 2 debacle to happen in japan and china to break their gacha market.
Feb 6, 2018
Garbage... no plot, no side-characters... just reading to see where it goes... maybe 4/10
Aggregator gang
Oct 12, 2019
I'm here not to read about plot or character development. I'm here to see gacha hell and the despair of not getting waifu unit you want.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
i admit its somewhat funny but treating women as collectables rubs me the wrong way then again thats only my personal opinion
also the mc is a beta even among betas
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@Roadrunner9000 Haven't even started reading, but let me tell you what your comment looks like.
*Women are treated like collectables*: "Rubs me the wrong way"
*MC does NOT treat women like objects despite having a Harem*: "Fucking beta cuck"
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020

@Roadrunner9000 Haven't even started reading, but let me tell you what your comment looks like.
*Women are treated like collectables*: "Rubs me the wrong way"
*MC does NOT treat women like objects despite having a Harem*: "Fucking beta cuck"
and your looks like:
"i want to troll so instead of posting my own opinion i cherrypick someone else in a way that should provoke him."
a comment should be about the manga your commenting in yet your comment is by your own admission not

and contrary to your faulty summary of me the mc actualy treats them as objects as in he collects them and expects them to go along with everything he says and does and gets extremely flustered and confused when they dont.

he does treat them like objects but doesnt degrade them which is how the manga tries to stay safe
which is borderline because in our current society we are at odd with treating people like objects because its degrading no matter the treatment
a problem this manga doesn't have with the summons as they are summons and follow him "willingly" be that a result of a brainwash for the summoning or not (lets be straight their friendly attitude right after being supposedly forcibly summoned from their own world is strange)
and in addition he doesnt give out any degrading orders

that concept needs a beta male because the author wants to avoid the sexual object treatment as that is clearly an out
but it didn't need to be a beta to the point where he gets agoraphobia and dogeza is his go to move
thats not a swear or a flaw like "fuck betachuck" its an attribute as there maybe others maybe even yourself that like beta mc's

and i thought man thats a wall of text so how about skipping the reasoning thereby making it into a mere personal opinion

but hey what do you know apparently it needs to be or i get strange messages
so there you go and this wall of text goes to the credit of *drumrolls* Tatherwood
and this is also not the longest or most complete version of that

and on a personal note going on and "criticizing" a personal opinion that's even marked personal opinion by cherry picking phrases and "interpreting" things out of context doesn't look too good in regards to your tolerance for the opinions of others

for those too smart for the room
iam not offended at Tatherwood not liking me or my opinion i am however offended at the way it showed by missrepresenting
my own opinion
this website is called manga dex and we post in the comment section of a manga so our post should primarily be about said manga
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2019
Surprisingly refreshing to read for an isekai about gacha.
Well drawn with nice art.
Doesn’t try to be something more than it is , no edgy shitty mc , likable characters.
What surprised me is that this title actually score lower than 8 along with all the hates it gets while so many other trashy shitty drawn with the story being all over the places isekais can stay over 8. (Looking at you kuma kuma bear , saihate paladin , lvl 99 villainess , Last heretical last boss ...etc etc too many to list)
Mdex readers sure are something else , maybe some of you are not happy you find yourselves in this manga being gacha addicts and all :^)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@Roadrunner9000 You managed to make a borderline personal attack that's not quite a personal attack. Pretty impressive, actually. Kudos.

First. Some people (myself included) come to read the REVIEWS of a MANGA (not a chapter) to get an idea of whether we want to pick up that manga or not. Hence why MD adds that note at the top of "mark story elements with Spoiler". Cause unlike a Chapter comments, a Work comments are read by people before reading the Work, too.
Therefore I was neither trolling, nor cherry picking. I was checking comments to see if I'm interested in this or not.

Second. With your super long-winded and mostly useless paragraph, what you prove is that you're one of those people that just jump on the train. You OBVIOUSLY have no idea what "beta" means (no problem, neither do 99% of the idiots using that word over the past 8 months. I'll have to check "Know your memes" to see when this trend started). A "beta" would be so passive he could NOT treat women like objects "by expecting them to do everything he wants". Cause he's passive AND a follower. That's what "beta" means: following the leader.
You were using it with the internet meaning of "fucking virgin not fucking any woman that moves". Which, as I said, made your original comment quite confusing. Hence why I mentioned you.

And I could add a few more, but I already see we're going nowhere, so...yeah. Have a good one.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Reading the word "gacha" was enough for me to know this is utter garbage and stay away from this crap

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