Im curious if theres some special deal going on with the female lizard. She has been over-frendly with Manako that I have thought it as suspicious. She also had his hand to begin with.
lol @ lizard brothel girl. He got rekt
Lastly, congrats on the sis for killing. not sparing. Kinda nice she killed her opponent with the circumstance. I guess the last week helped her learn how stupid shes been. I think I'd like her more if shes fights more brutally killing her opponents. Something to show for her recent developments.
@daywithoutgames that image is why I dropped that manga early, the kids clear;y some moron to cry over how he didnt get superpowers, then goes to school and lets himself get bullied and walked over (so unheroic like). he only wanted to be a superhero cause it was "cool" when something like 90% of the populations had hero powers anyway. But he didnt have what it takes mentally nor could he think outside the box to overcome his shortcomings li.
Thanks, but no thanks for reminding me of that weasel >.>