thats why i say that it sort of deserves the axe. really nice art but very amateur writing even for standards of mango.As of this chapter, I've completely ran out of excuse to defend Utsuru - girl literally went through the trouble to set her sister up AT THE COST of every other beastgirls in the audiences who might be forced to transform and expose themselves in the process... just to prove a point, really? Welp, author-san'd better provide a very good reason for her antics, or I'll just chalk this off as bad writing lol.
We tried! I ordered a physical copy from amazon japan.Mangaka said this to me when I reached out to the person of twitter,
"本当にありがとう。 漫画の翻訳をしてくれた人がが私のメッセージを読んで海外のファンへの報告をしてくれたみたいですね。 ガルルガール は拙く短い話になってしまうと思いますが、最後までよろしくお願いします"
Translation: Thank you so much.
It seems that the person who translated the manga read my message and passed it on to overseas fans.
I think Garuru Girl will be a clumsy and short story, but I hope you will read it to the end.
damn I love this manga sad to see its popularity low on Japan
That's... impressive, huh?the last time i bled was probably 2 years ago how does this mf bleed every 2 hours
how? does it happen during work or whatThat's... impressive, huh?
I probably bleed every day bru
Teenage acnehow? does it happen during work or what