GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Ch. 87

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
What kind of an idiot risks the life of their soldiers on the front for the whim of a retarded reporter?
That's too unnatural and the officer should have shot the camera and forced them to comply or being court martial.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 7, 2018
>was it really necessary to kill those imperial soldiers?

big bruh moment
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2019
God, I want to keep enjoying this setup (even ignoring that it's still ludicrous for the JSDF to be this militarily active), but the writer's constant rightwing interjections and media demonization is just tiring.

Go back to Iwatami and his harem, go back to Princess Pina, go back to her brother planning shit, anything! Filler is tiring enough without it being political cartoon slanted filler.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2018

Not surprising. The author is a hard right-wing Japanese. Its not uncommon for authors to inject their beliefs into their stories.
Aggregator gang
Aug 23, 2018
@biznizz @Razgrizone
Putting aside his annoying nationalistic depictions, let's be real, how often is the media not total fucking cunts? A lot of MSM, in all first world countries, for the past few decades and this last one in particular, they have just been a bunch of nosey, entitled assholes, that spin things into the most attention grabbing version possible and that's been reflected in each and every depiction from movies to comics to video games. That Carson King story is a prime example of why people hate "reporters" and "journalists".
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2019
Yes, yes, and in the same week, there was two conservatives who insulted that teen who's part of that climate change awareness initiative.

The point is that the author is making the (Japanese) media so cartoonishly one dimensionally evil that it makes the friggin' Caligula of the story look subtle in comparison.
Aggregator gang
Aug 23, 2018
You say that as if the majority of the media isn't cartoonishly one dimensional. Japanese media isn't that much better than Western media. They're all pushing their side of the story that makes their team look better and gets clicks. Your examples just reinforces what I said.

Caricatures and exaggerations, while abused and obviously bias here, are used to make a point, a point which is certainly not what or as simple as you're asserting it to be, more clear. And in this case, 1/2 or 2/3 of which I'd say is pretty damn accurate.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
pls let harpy live


all this bitching about the "evil media"

yeah, these guys are dumb and they have their heads up their asses, but that doesn't mean media as a whole is being portrayed as evil. Kuribayashi's sister is a journalist too, and I'm pretty sure they're not try to make her out as a bitch.

Try to remember that they're coming from a country whose only military is, by definition, a SELF DEFENSE force. Japan's pretty heavily disarmed for the most part, and the media is reporting in a way consistent with that.

"you'd already won, why do you have to kill them"
"you have superior firepower, make them surrender"

yeah, they're dumb concepts, but they make sense given the context.

It's a lot like the asshole in the diet who was trying to use rory as a 'tragic war orphan' chess piece. Yeah, it was dumb because we already knew that she's a fucking demigod. Is it really insane to believe that if this were not a manga, you would assume a little girl dressed in black clothes and a veil coming from a region in the middle of heavy causalities is probably not an avatar of a god of death, but instead a kid who just lost her parents? (before 'her expression, duh' pls remember she's wearing a full face veil and not speaking a language they understand)

i'm not saying these particular media goons aren't retarded. they super are, and the writing is REALLY heavy handed. just wanted to throw in my two cents.

e: also, if you're mad about sensationalist reporting, you're gonna have to look a little deeper than just 'the evil, elitist media'
Aggregator gang
Aug 23, 2018
I didn't say the media as a whole was portrayed as evil or that the media was evil and I literally said I didn't agree with that being the point this manga is trying to make. I did say a lot of the media IRL is full of cunts and not trustworthy. I barely even touched the portrayal of the media in the manga and was largely speaking on IRL media. You typed a lot for no reason. And you seem to have no idea about what I was trying to say.

Also, those stupid ass concepts are stupid and only make sense if you've never been in a fight, let alone armed combat. So ironically, no, they don't make sense with context, but only make sense without context or experience.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
but that's the point i'm trying to make. the ideas make sense in the context of a generation raised in peace, in a peaceful country.

and if i missed your point, my bad

i'm more worried about harpy girl tbh
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Most of the media is corporate owned; I believe somewhere at around 90%. And just 5 or 6 corporations own that. So basically it's all corporate-sponsored crap anyway you slice it.
And of course, many in the media also have spouses/friends/colleagues in the government, so the political coverage is biased as well.

The media insulted the Covington Catholic kids and doxxed mini-AOC as well as the kid who posted the CNN meme. Media uses kids all the time to forego logic and reason to push agendas. That 15 year Kuwaiti actress Nayirah Al-Sabah was used to push support for Desert Storm. Greta is just the latest case. Here she is off script:

And I hold no ill-will towards these kids. The same cannot be said for those who are manipulating them for their own gain.
However, here's a great story about media malfeasance and comeuppance:
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
And from this discussion we can see the problem with GATE portrayal of mass media: all medias are depicted as bleeding heart liberal commies wannabe that wished nothing less than JSDF disbandment. While in real life, media from all leaning are exist, from conservatives, centrist, liberal, or for those who only interested with boobs ("Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits").

Perhaps this bleeding heart media is the fact for Japanese readers, but for international readers this kind portrayal is kinda strawman-ish and so one-dimensional.
Active member
Nov 29, 2018
@otakubouzu @biznizz Let me guess; you unironically call Fox "Faux news" and consider CNN fair and balanced, you only started calling Trump a right winger / white supremacist after he beat Hillary, you wholeheartedly believe Trump's victory was only possible through Russian collusion, and you have no particular issues with the political / media treatment of Greta Thunberg.

Feel free to correct me if I've gotten any of these assumptions wrong.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
For all it worth, Hillary is a crook without any substance, Obama is way overrated to say it politely, and Liberals keep saying 'russian collusion' is quite laughable. Trump still a incompetent loathsome racist, always think that since his early days of his campaign.
Never really followed Greta, but the way conservatives mostly resort to ad hominem on her issues makes me a bit sympathizing to her.

Unfortunately since I am not from Yankeeland, I never followed CNN or FoxNews, so i don't have [objective] opinion on them in particular.

Now i don't know which liberal hippie your mistaken me for... But just for your information, there are exist another political orientation outside kissing either Democrats and Republicans' butt.

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