Funny of you to say that after America journalism just went through that Covington debacle. Literally reporters, bloggers, and the mobs of twitter judging a misleading video and creating their own narrative based on their own bias? There’s always an agenda behind shit journalism, and in GATE, it’s always been because of general mistrust of a seemingly unreliable government, and people needing constant scapegoats.
Edit: Also, iirc, they had a translator. She just quit because she knew the news was only here to shit on the men and women in service that saved her, no matter what kind of light she tried to shine on the situation. 3/4ths a village saved? News calls it 1/4th the village killed in a crossfire. Even now, you see news pull this with gun owners killing home invaders, even when the “victim” home invader is known for similar crimes, going as far as calling kids “murderers” for defending themselves.