@humbleoverlord: They did molest him. They messed with him good. The question is, why didn't they kill him? Maybe they wanted to have a central figure head within the enemy, that is capable of surrendering? But looking at that guy, yeah fat chance. Maybe they fear, that a more capable guy would replace him? Seeing how totally lost their case is and with the real emperor in the new capital, it stands to reason, that such a capable person would surrender, because it is the right thing to do. By killing him, they wouldn't even make him a hero, just the foolish son of the emperor, that messed with the wrong guys. Even if he makes a total fool out of himself from here on (even more, than he already did), his legend would still live on in the heads of idiots. Taking him out timely, might have actually prevented that the guerrilla tactics would have spread that much. And this could have been seen from the beginning. I just don't understand, how in wars nobody tries to take out the head of the enemy nation first. I would kill that person as a first, before more soldiers die, than needed. Soldiers are people, too. Must be the economy boom thing.