I'd prefer somewhat smaller breasts; only somewhat, mind. Something around a B or C cup would be more within my comfort range.
But other than that, yes, the art is gorgeous.
Grandpa's face on page 4, lower left is true art.
Once he's summoned, it's European historical based, although not hewing to a specific time/place, which is fairly standard, but nice attention to detail.
If it's not actually hand drawn, but software generated, his skills are amazing. Because it really looks like high quality pen and paper work.
Page 17, bottom panel, a real sense of motion there, with all the air flurries surrounding him.
Page 15, left panel, the detail of the grain and cracks in the boxes.
The simplicity of the MCs face, which still seems complete, and the complexity of the King's face, without seeming overdone., similar to Grandpa's face as referenced above.
Not everything is complex, not everything is simple, but each done as appropriate to the particular scene.
Truly, the artist is talented.