Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki - Vol. 7 Ch. 32 - An Encounter In The Streets of Van (2)

Aggregator gang
Jul 27, 2019
Wait I feel I've read this chapter before.
Nvm, somehow mangadex load chapter 31 instead of 32.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 24, 2018
@yoroshikue Yes, however, in this case, the loser is in the "country club" unlike the winner, who is a "honorable member" because they gain benefits from the "country club", the loser doesn't need to pay for the price of war, and they can sue for peace or negotiate to get part of their territory back, even though they started the war first.
It's really fucked up but that's politics for you.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018

If you don't mind spoilers of what happens in the next few chapters.

During the start of the negotiations, Souma and Julius are outright hostile to each other. This causes problems and eventually after some heated exchanges between them. Julius is sent away so that the Empire alone can negotiate with the Kingdom. Once it's confirmed Julius is being "entertained" by our dear sadist maid, later on, it's found out that our sadist maid used a very potent alcohol to basically cause Julius to be so drunk that he'll be sleeping it off for a long time.

Basically, Jeanne and Souma plus bureaucrats from both sides come together to talk about the general situation of the world. Information exchanges and such. At one point, the bureaucrats are shooed out of the room for a rather serious subject, serious enough that if those bureaucrats heard it, they would be executed immediately because of the severity of the subject and the wide range of implications. There's also an explanation why Souma doesn't join the alliance, stating there's a critical pitfall in the clauses.

After this, the negotiations run fairly quickly. Souma agrees to return Van in exchange for restitution payments from Amidonia for the war. They hold things like paperwork, and the jewel broadcast thing until the payments are completed. And that the payments must be made in Imperial coinage, so Amidonia doesn't do something like making cheap coins to fake payments. Basically, the point of the restitution payments are to force Amidonia to no longer be able to support their military like they did before. In return, Souma's side will withdraw immediately and return the city. There's also a secret alliance pact between the Empire and the Kingdom to support one another against the demon lord's domain. Which entails that the Kingdom would accept requests from the Empire for military support for sending troops to support the frontline countries nearest to the Kingdom instead of the Empire.

Much later on, it's found out Souma and Hakuya had purposely wanted to use the alliance's pitfall in their favor by having the city of Van rise in rebellion against Amidonia oppression and ask the Kingdom to annex them so that the Kingdom would have a reason to invade. This was why they showed all the stuff they could do in the Kingdom, all the stuff they would be free to do under their rule. What happens instead of just Van rising in rebelling. The whole country of Amidonia goes into "coincidental rebellions" all over the place stating different reasons. This is due to a third party's meddling and the whole of Amidonia ends up being annexed to the Kingdom after threats of other countries possibly invading. Souma reluctantly ends up leading both countries as one combined Kingdom, being outsmarted by a certain little cute tanuki (Amidonia's princess).
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@hayatekanzaki seems like that lil tanuki does indeed see things much better than those 2 idiots could ever do and amidonia will be better off for it...shes def a better person than them for sure
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
> I think sooner or later, if Souma did not propagate the use f Brassiere, Licia's mother, the previous queen will be having a breast cancer soon, just how big it is.
The dress was not enough to hold it, it will sag not too long...
Thats also applicable to Excel...
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
I quite like how on page ten there's a sneaky little preview of
the not-mongol nation headed by not-genghis-khan.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
The little tanuki is pretty smart but her general personality lies more with making money. What she did was pretty much out of desperation after seeing the suffering of the Amidonian people.

Amidonia as it currently stands is just like how the Kingdom was, the economy is almost failing or is about to fail and they don’t have much farmable land. The reason why Amidonia invaded was to take back the farmable land they lost in the last war with the Kingdom when the Queen’s father was in power.

The only reason why Amodonia hasn’t completely collapsed is thanks to both their Princess and certain batch of bureaucrats just barely making saving enough, it doesn’t help that the princess’s dad and her brother just threw most of what they could save into funding the military.

The reason why she did all of this is because Amidonia can’t really do reparation payments because it would most likely destroy the country. Julius being the next ruler wasn’t even stabilized in the first place. Also due to the sudden change of power after their father’s death in the war, Julius’s legitimacy to rule was barely recognized. Julius is shown as well to not having properly struggled to get back Van with his own forces but used the easy way to get it back through using the Empire. This is seen as weakness as the nobles in Amidonia don’t really obey him like they should because there is no guarantee he can do what the last leader did. Also due to Roroa’s position as Princess, there could be a civil war between her and her brother, so she went into hiding because the likelihood of her getting assassinated to make sure she doesn’t become a symbol or backed up by the dissenting nobles.

Roroa works with several nobles and a bunch of merchants to plot to oust her brother from power through simultaneous uprisings and rebellions that would number so many that he won’t be able to quell any of them. However there are hiccups as one religious country secretly caused a rebellion early through manipulating those of that followed the religion in the area. In the end, the rebellion was crushed and people were killed. Shortly after the entire nation rose up in various “coincidental” and simultaneous rebellions. And eventually Julius runs away cause even the capital city Van also rose up in rebellion and he was basically surrounded by enemies. Another nation also began an invasion at another part but was stopped by the Amidonia general down there and kept it locked down while the city of Van asked Souma to come back and were requesting annexation. However with all the rebellions/uprisings going on and Amidonians all over who also wished to be annexed. Souma is reluctantly forced to annex the whole country under his rule because if he only annexed Van, it would look very bad. And the likelihood that he would have two more possibly hostile nations would border the kingdom if he had left them alone to invade from both north and south of Amidonia.

The purpose for why the Amidonia Princess did this was for several reason.
1. Getting food support for the people of her country. This was the major reason as they were also suffering food issues.
2. If Amidonia becomes part of the Kingdom, there would be no need for reparation payments.
3. She’s going to marry Souma to legitimize his rule over Amidonia. Just like how Liscia is engaged to Souma.

Souma ends up accepting all of this but is a bit reluctant about things as he views himself as her father’s killer. Souma ends up being called a Great King because he achieved the feat of annexing Amidonia so quickly and creating the new Great Kingdom of Friedonia, a combination of both countries, Elfrieden and Amidonia. Souma is sometimes called Great King Friedonia by others.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
the best way if returning Van is inevitable is to turn it into Hongkong like situation where MC demand a 35-45% portion of the city's internal affair to be governed by the kingdom's people for over 100 years while also giving some 'tasty' offer like giving trade deals and protection. it would be stupid to just handing over the territory that has been paid by the blood of your troops (albeit just minimum)
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
while I did figure out it more or less was because the country was going down bad fast, I'm more interested how the rest of the countries see it like the Empire that helped Julius out , plus suddenly a previously weak kingdom now adds another one to its territory that's bound to rustle the feathers of other ambitious kings
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
I’ve read all the current releases of the light novel.

So far, the religious nation attempted to try and manipulate the situation to their favor by trying to tie him down with a “Saint” and make him a Holy King, this was offered to him while asking him to make their religion the Kingdom’s official religion. This was to try and get him to go against the Empire because the Empress is called a Saint by her people. This religious state didn’t like the fact that the Empress was acknowledged as a Saint so naturally. Since it was seen as an a kind of affront to the religion’s authority.

There is another troublesome nation that has a sea between the Kingdom and them, but so far nothing serious yet.

The thing stopping other ambitious leaders is mostly because of the Humankind Declaration alliance that has a clause in it. Most of the other nations are part of it while the Kingdom is not. Part of the Declaration is that changing of borders through military force is forbidden. And through the negotiation between the Kingdom and the Empire, both the Kingdom and Amidonia need to be punished for violating it even if one party isn’t part of it. This is to keep the other nations in line.

Although the Kingdom is forced to return Van despite being the victim, the Empire forces Amidonia to pay reparations and expects them to pay it in full or lose Van. Before both countries become one, they are used as an examples for the other countries to keep them in check to make sure none of them get funny ideas.

It is much later on a new leader shows up that may break all of this. This character is both a powerful fighter and charismatic leader. Souma and him both understand that the other will eventually become the enemy. This character is leading the reclaiming of the lands lost to the Demon Lord’s domain for the time being. But so far this is the only character with the ambition to do the standard unite the continent story plot. Most of the frontline countries are more worried about keeping the status quo. While certain nations not at the frontlines are simply doing a waiting and watch approach while keeping the Humankind Declaration pact in mind.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
Actually it depends.
But the most likely is sagging chest.
If the chest is hanging and swaying, and deforming to any shape by some rude fellows, that may had a chance, or a cyst.
Jan 23, 2018
fused the picture

Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
Hmm most of the characters have similar looks... I wonder...
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@hayatekanzaki seems like some interesting stuff goes down ,
religious nation being dickwads is a tried and true trope by this point xd , that future charismatic leader plot sounds like it could be big tho such a guy can take people only so far ...the only thing I can guesstimate is after demons are taken care of a big ass 2 way continent size war between humans 1 side wanting to keep things as is and the other who want to grow their ambitions for power
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
Fuck em - you declare war, you invade, you try conquer the country and murder people - now you lose some territory for it. Deal with it. Attacking and then expecting to have your lost territory returned with no consequences... yeah, fat chance.
Double-page supporter
Jul 10, 2018
Man, that page 4! 😄 Souma is drawn with the pimp-est grin I have ever seen.

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