Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Battle Of Kouryuu Castle (2)

Jan 28, 2018
> if you go against your master you lose your head
> prevents suicide

..this chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
i dont think that the MC will use a form of punishment that will end the lord or his doughters life.
why ?
he intentionally defeated him without him beeing killed in the process.
the worrior girl used her big sword like a club to knock the lord down. his agreement was "death or captured"
he choose the captured way of wining.
he even brought slave collars, he inteded to end it without killing them (if possible...!)
Oct 31, 2018
Wasn't expecting the use of slave collars. Wonder if there will be a scene where the MC goes "You got bamboozled! The collars were inert the whole time!"
Nov 8, 2018
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but what was the fucking problem of this dragon guy? He obviously sympathized the new king, he understood the whole situation. Why not join him then? This dragon lord solely created this situation just to fuck himself over as hard as he could. Like what's your problem dawg?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The way to make your MC look smart is to make everyone else stupid.
Well, in this case Kazuya "I just read Machiavelli for the first time and don't need to read any other book on political theory" Souma is an idiot too.
What a fucking shitshow lmao
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Zael Lol, I never noticed. Maybe it prevents suicide by blowing the head off though?
Nov 25, 2018
"Disobey and you lose your head yet it prevents suicide? What?"
A slave's life is no longer their own, it belongs to their Master now. So the slave can not disobey the master's orders, nor can they use death as a means to escape from slavery.

The dragon people have been shown to be quite prideful and loyal to the previous king. I don't the the people would accept the sudden change of king peaceful, as MC came out of nowhere to them. So the only way to make them submit was a show of power. And with both sides trying to limit the number of casualties, and capturing their leader, this prevents the people of that territory from trying to seek revenge.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
What's so hard to understand?
prevents suicide: if they want to kill themselves, too bad that's not possible
and if they want to kill the master, they die... ._.

this takes away the option of killing themselves to be free, since some would want to do that after finding out that they can't disobey
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
He's trying to move the country to become more progressive, but he has to win his battles by using the threats of the old backward thinking methods like "I'll kill your whole family".

I don't really consider that progressive.

@Ronye I'd say dying trying to kill your enslaver is about as free of an action as the slave can take

The reason Castor revolted was because he thought Souma came in and somehow bewitched the old king. It's a pretty logical conclusion considering the old king just abdicated to some complete stranger with absolutely no warning to the rest of the kingdom. What's more, Carmine who was very respected and known to be a straight shooter said he didn't trust Souma, so Castor went along with the guy who he trusted, instead of the completely unknown person, Souma.

If anything, Castor was being loyal to his nation by trying to overthrow a guy he figured was a usurper. He wasn't doing any of this for his own benefit, but for the benefit of the nation.

This is why most of them seem unhappy with their win. They know that Castor's motivation was noble, even if it was misguided. They also know that Castor and Carla would make better allies than prisoners or being executed.

What I find rather unfortunate is that he loses his title, but is forgiven, while poor Carla who was just following her father and trying to liberate her friend Licia from someone she thought was dangerous to Licia, gets enslaved for presumably the rest of her life. Carla even eventually pledges loyalty to Souma and fights for him of her own free will, but he never seems to forgive her even after it's apparent she is an ally and not a threat
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
May I just say fuck all monarchies? Also, fuck fatal slave collars forever. The end.
Active member
Jul 18, 2018
@HOOfan_1 He had no other choice thou, the idiots wanted to keep fighting. They were completely outsmarted and lost their king and they still wanted to fight.

I dont about that, but Carla seems very dangerous, very hotblooded.
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
@Darkion Castor should have stopped fighting when they got in the castle, but he did give up there at the end. I think that was a good opportunity to try and get him to switch sides without making him a prisoner. As a new unknown guy, I think bringing a former enemy over to his side would be a better move than threatening the death of all of their families. The restored French Monarchy after Napoleon abdicated kept many of Napoleon's former generals as a way to secure the loyalty of the army.

Either way, when you are trying to make reforms, I don't consider using the tactics you are trying to reform a great move, no matter the excuse. He didn't have to threaten them because Castor told them he wanted them to stop fighting.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Well, if it’s any consolation, at least on the slavery front, I’d bet that once the demons invade a similar fate will befall his loved ones. Karma and all that. Though it would be funny if they’re actually more forward-thinking than the human union, and they are repulsed by such acts and refuse to believe humans will negotiate in good faith. Also, I think close to 90% of isekai have slavery in some form. Kind of wished this one bucked the trend, but c’est la vie.
Nov 1, 2018
The thing is, they're not former enemies. They're still current enemies that they would not accept clemency and would continue fighting had he not enslaved their lord- because they're subordinate to a higher enemy, and THAT main enemy has as strong if not stronger claim to the throne than he does (since he only became king from the whim of the former one, if we look at it from an outsider's perspective), and as a "realist" you have to deal with enemies decisively, so it's entirely reasonable to deal with them harshly while at war.

He DID say that he would resolve the problem AFTER the war, in this I think he's reminded of people like Julius Caesar who during the civil war would prefer enemies alive so they could be pardoned after he's won the entire war, letting the people know just what a GREAT and NOBLE and MAGNANIMOUS guy he was. That's arguably the real reason he cried when he saw Pompey's head, because he's dead and now the civil war won't be ended in a heartwarming "Well, it sucked that we had to fight, but now that I won I guess you can see that my way was right all along, so let's bygones be bygones" moment.

GRANTED, Julius got his head cut off by those same spared people. So I'm guessing MC is going to go try and be magnanimous after he wins, but will be more pragmatic about it in the end.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
@Ronye What's so hard to understand?
prevents suicide: if they want to kill themselves, too bad that's not possible
and if they want to kill the master, they die... ._.

That's the thing, it's not hard to understand, it's just contradictory. If they want to kill themselves, they can't... but they *can* attack their master, causing them to die anyway. Kind of defeats the purpose of prohibiting suicide, no? :p Although in this case it's very likely it's kind of like the laws of AI - the no-suicide rule takes precedence over the die-if-you-attack-your-master rule - so if you try to kill your master in the goal of getting yourself killed, the slave choker won't trigger and will keep you alive (but maybe will debilitate you somehow?)
Jan 1, 2019
well, the logic behind the slave choker is quite stupid to me....

prevent you to kill yaself but if i wanna die, i just try my luck to kill my master(former enemy).
If success, good i get my revenge and die. If not, i reach my goal(suicide). stupid.....
Aggregator gang
Oct 6, 2018
Well, the writer didn't think it through with the choker magic, didn't he?
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@TehSDragon I think you are missing the point of the whole setup. If he does try to attack his master just to commit suicide that would be considered treason, and in that case his daughter would get killed too because law states that everyone associated with a traitor gets the same punishment. Only a really crazy bastard or someone with nothing to lose would actually try to commit suicide by attacking their master, but these people would contribute little to the country anyway so they might as well go for it.
Anyway the slave collar is not as bad as it seems.

@tuatara1 fair enough, I personally prefer monarchy with all it's problems, over democracy with all it's problems. Because when democracy gets corrupt, that corruption extends to the population, contaminating everything and everyone around it. On a Monarchy since castes exist and people feel segregated or just distant to other castes, this doesn't happen. And so at the end of the day everyone knows who their enemies are, and what they should be doing. On Democracy, you never know who is your enemy and you spend most of your time fighting other civilians while forgetting and doing nothing against the real villains. That's way worse. Isn't that what's happening right now with people blaming people on the internet instead of banding together to beat the living crap out of the corrupt and remove them from power by force? With stupid Left-Right ideologies that both have severe problems while having decent points on the side. The best side will always be to choose whats good and thrash what's bad. A.K.A. Don't pick a side when the world is not made of black and white.

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