Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
To the people telling me to "turn my brain off" and "go with the flow": F*** you. A good story must be internally consistent.

If it's a hammy power fantasy, it must be consistently tongue-in-cheek and ridiculous (Dragon Half, The Eminence In Shadow) with any serious bits limited to being accents for the silliness. If it's a serious story (God of Blackfield, A Returner's Magic) it must be consistently serious with limited comedy bits. And if it's a "realistic" setting that bases its people and world functions on historical sciences, histories, and economics, the people must be intelligent and the sciences / economics must conform to real-world realities.

This is a story where the author is an ignoramus who knows nothing about science, history, or economics. So instead of doing actual research, they browsed 4chan, wikipedia, and reddit for a half-hour or so until they had a bunch of sound-bites which they promptly shit out on the page. The end result is an MC who only succeeds because the world is infected with a Second Order Idiot Plot.

Case in point:
The country's famine problems. The author's explanation is that the increased demand for cotton caused by the Demon King's expanding territory resulted in a increase in the price of cotton. As such, farmers stopped producing grain and started producing cotton which resulted in a famine.

This is nonsense. As the supply of grain falls just as with cotton the price of grain would increase. The inverse would then occur with cotton. As the farmers flood the market with cotton the price would fall. When this happens the farmers would start producing gain again. Unless the government or equivalent authority was actively ruining the market for some reason (see: US Dust Bowl and Agricultural Adjustment Act), there is no way that simply growing cash crops would ever result in a famine.

Now, that's how it goes in the real world; people react to market changes and imbalances fix themselves unless an outside force is actively screwing it up. But in this story, every single farmer and merchant in the nation is an idiot, so only the all-knowing MC is capable of issuing a royal decree to make all the stupid people do the right thing.

I could give many more examples, but the point is; this story is the equivalent of the village idiot handing you the shit you just watched come out of his ass and telling you it's an antibiotic.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Imagine getting this upset and heated over pictures on your screen. Chill.
And bro, ANY of your arguments written in your biography here can be crushed by just saying, oh it's a magical world and so any argument crumbles. At the end of the day these works are just here for pure enjoyment, if you don't enjoy it get the f outta here, noone wants to read why you, a complete random on the internet thinks that the author who put in his work into this manga is dumb for using things loosely based on real life stuff. Like, you're so sad it's not even funny anymore.
If you're so great write,draw and publish a better piece.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
@AlphaFlow "Draw and publish a better piece. You don't like it, do it yourself.". The battlecry of the ignorant and the lazy all the world over. As if it's no big deal to just pick up another high-risk low-reward full-time job on top of all your existing obligations.

Let's ignore the triple logical failure up there for now:

This is why I started my post by telling folks like you to fuck off. It's never enough for you pompous fools to fund the publishing of drivel. It's never enough for you Bitching Betties to enjoy your own guilty pleasures. You just have to play the fake superiority card and claim your trash is everyone's treasure. No one's allowed to criticize, no one's allowed to speak up - if other people aren't sitting in silence obeying your whims, you need to take them down a peg and put yourself on a pedestal.

I got news for you: pretty much everyone has a guilty pleasure or three. Most of us don't feel a need to claim our wasteful indulgences are a sign of moral superiority. And that's the difference between you and I. That's the bit that pisses me off, and led to me opening up with a hostile general message to folks like you.

You know what would have happened if you'd just shut up and enjoyed your manga? I would have completely forgot I ever wrote this tomorrow, everyone else would make up their minds about whether to accept or deny my opinion, and the world would have moved on. Not a damn thing would have changed. And I'm ok with that; I'm under no illusions the author's going to pop in, read my screed and suddenly put the story on hiatus while they go do more research. I was irritated, posted about it, and that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

But you don't have the courage to be comfortable in your own mind, so you had to throw a fit. And here we are.

I don't spend much brainpower worrying about trash long as I can speak my piece. But you - censorious, fragile, overblown - you telling me to shut it? That hacks me off.

Oh, and a fun little thing I noticed: you mention going through my biography, and "I'm so sad it's not even funny anymore". How long have you been stalking me?
Apr 10, 2020
I hope next chapter will be dedicated to showing the two huge-breasted waifus just sitting behind their desks and silently performing an explicit post-war bureaucracy.

After all the underwhelming and dumb happenings, it would truly be a breath of fresh air.

''Realist''. Sigh.
Mar 1, 2019

You are wrong though
If you look Russia same thing happened with vodka. Instead of making food stuff they distilled vodka. Which made starvation much worse. Free market isnt a magical thing and merchants arent super smart they make mistakes too. Also prices can change immediately. Also in this case cotton was exported but food wasn't imported.
Story is okay it is not illogical.
Mar 29, 2019
To the people telling me to "turn my brain off" and "go with the flow": F*** you. A good story must be internally consistent.

If it's a hammy power fantasy, it must be consistently tongue-in-cheek and ridiculous (Dragon Half, The Eminence In Shadow) with any serious bits limited to being accents for the silliness. If it's a serious story (God of Blackfield, A Returner's Magic) it must be consistently serious with limited comedy bits. And if it's a "realistic" setting that bases its people and world functions on historical sciences, histories, and economics, the people must be intelligent and the sciences / economics must conform to real-world realities.

This is a story where the author is an ignoramus who knows nothing about science, history, or economics. So instead of doing actual research, they browsed 4chan, wikipedia, and reddit for a half-hour or so until they had a bunch of sound-bites which they promptly shit out on the page. The end result is an MC who only succeeds because the world is infected with a Second Order Idiot Plot.

Case in point:
The country's famine problems. The author's explanation is that the increased demand for cotton caused by the Demon King's expanding territory resulted in a increase in the price of cotton. As such, farmers stopped producing grain and started producing cotton which resulted in a famine.

This is nonsense. As the supply of grain falls just as with cotton the price of grain would increase. The inverse would then occur with cotton. As the farmers flood the market with cotton the price would fall. When this happens the farmers would start producing gain again. Unless the government or equivalent authority was actively ruining the market for some reason (see: US Dust Bowl and Agricultural Adjustment Act), there is no way that simply growing cash crops would ever result in a famine.

Now, that's how it goes in the real world; people react to market changes and imbalances fix themselves unless an outside force is actively screwing it up. But in this story, every single farmer and merchant in the nation is an idiot, so only the all-knowing MC is capable of issuing a royal decree to make all the stupid people do the right thing.

I could give many more examples, but the point is; this story is the equivalent of the village idiot handing you the shit you just watched come out of his ass and telling you it's an antibiotic.

Lets consider the famine problem. Thats actually possible.

Consider the scenerio:
The people who are buying cotton are (say nobles), they have really high demand for cotton, they dont care much about the prices for food grains!! They only need little so can afford higher prices.
So actually the price of both grains and cottons will increase due to the war with Demons!!

Farmers dont start producing grains because the prices of cotton has increased more in comparision to food!!

Its simple nobles are buyers for cotton, and they can afford to pay more!! Thus, the price of cotton increases more in comparison to food!!
May 29, 2019
I would like to read this due to i stumbled upon a good mention about it.

"....a good isekai should be the one that can remove the isekai part and it's still really good on its own as a fantasy Manga without the isekai thingy, a good example would be Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki where it would then be a good story about a newly inherited King"

But after i scroll down this comment section,
I Hesistated

Did i just accidentally made a bad life choice today ? 🤕

Also about this Grains vs Cotton things :

IMO the culprit behind this inflation isn't supply & demand mechanism of those two, it's the scarcity of things .... the amount of avaiable lands to produce money making plants, in this case Grain or Cotton .... this could lead into a famine.

During wartime, goverment will take reins for essential resources for war efforts, and will try to steer both price & quantity of it .... i consider Grains & Cotton are essentials

Let's look at how US did things during WW2
At early war, the price of an early Thompson SMG (That's the one i knew better) was almost like the price of a car, at the end of the war, the M2 Thompson model price significantly dropped into approx. 1/10 of it's original price (From 3 digit price, to just 2 digit price per gun)
However US got a luxury that most of WW2 belligerents don't , their factories didn't get constantly bombed by the Axis(AFAIK).

Then, let's switch to Germany .... the one that got it's factory constantly blasted into kingdom come by the Allied.
Constant bombing stripped them away from their "GUCCI guns, gears, and lifestyle" and forced to re-think about their "Guns vs Butter" decision.
At the late stage of the war, Butter .... Literally butter, became a luxury stuff for it's population .... not to mention they're still severely lacking in guns, munitions, and anything that required to make their warmachines up and running.

.... Scarcity shift priorities during wartimes ....

".... Its simple nobles are buyers for cotton, and they can afford to pay more"
Can't imagine this one, unless when it's a peacefull time .... and IMO nobles didn't buy the cotton, they buy the end result of it .... clothes.
Their industries would buy the cotton as low as they could, and sell the clothes as high as they could.

During wartime,the govt would keep cotton price & quantity on check , at least for making uniforms,or whatever their wartime essential stuff is

@ ninjadork
".... people react to market changes and imbalances fix themselves unless an outside force is actively screwing it up"
How well this behavior excercised during wartime period, when the govt got final say on what to produce, how much, and it's prioritites ... is this still relevant, especially when losing lot's of the lands ? .... how much this will affect govt's say when they say nein/no, especially under dire situation ?
Jan 23, 2020
MC is so naive, it's like with the power of love we will build a new kingdom whats with this crap.
Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
Art is great and main focus of this manga world building. MC knows everything (from food to sewage system to accounting). Everything he does - works instantly. Food that would be near impossible to cook, removes starvation (fried food in medieval age).
Gives jobs for everyone when his country paid a debt by selling part of their treasury. It;s illogical to give money to everyone when you don't have it.
Enemies are stupid. Nearly wuxia type of characters. For example
One duke claimed to wage war because he is prideful warrior. Second duke supports first one because that is great reason to wage war on a king. Or other starving country wages war upon MC's country which is also starving. While they also made a pact that would mean if they took over some territories, all other countries could freely invade that first country

I mean everything happens on a level of "I was summoned and current king just passed down his kingdom to me". Plot armor isn't hidden at all.
Looks like quality work because of it's art, world building and focus on politics instead of action (like in other ones), but that's it.
Overal this is good manga (7)
Sep 23, 2019
I need a summary, cause I forgot everything that happened before.
What’s the main difference between the light novel and and the manga? As I think I’m gonna do a re-read but which ones better?
Sep 6, 2019

Vol 4 Is a Japanese painting featuring a Kabuki actor doing the Mie pose, but I'm unsure of which painting, since they are many like it.

Vol 5 Is the one I have absolutely no idea, but something tells me it's from a Christian painting...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@Jzc136: Was thinking that maybe Manga v04 artwork is based on a painting of either "Tomoe Gozen" or "Empress Jingū".
Apr 22, 2020
Question.... What's the volume of the LN, are the chapter 25-30 manga?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
lalalala... hmm... ARGH! If your curious about my outburst, it's the pure frustration that the author is tip-toeing about various character developments and is "taking an easy way out"
I really haven't shed a single tear (okay maybe I did BUT)
I can only say that harem's are such a shoddy balance. main wife is given credit when it's due, second wife and third wife are trophies. main character goes through turmoil, yes, but it's all subverted so that main wifey can shine. this is probably the only harem novel that I will read as the groundwork and foundations of the world-building is solid. it could just be because it's a manga but this seriously hurts.
I'm just nowhere near empathetic towards the protagonist's personalities and ideals. it's fun to be a boss but the character development feels like a summary of an actually good story.
Sep 19, 2019
I don't know why so many people are hating on this manga, it's more so on the political side of things and being a isekai, isn't meant to be entirely for realist or logical sakes. The writer does a very good job on portraying to the best of his abilities the problems in a fantasy medieval kingdom and the solutions that come with it, Alas he could have explained in much more detail, but that would make the series boring and more of a info guide on how to fix a kingdom.

I do agree, the character development is a bit lackluster, but to be fair if he were to add all the character development we wanted in, the 1 week war would be probably take about 40 or more chapters to complete.

If you like politics, harem, war, and are a slight history nerd, you'll most likely enjoy reading this.

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