An office that big always have CCTVs installed on each and every corner, which is easy to grab the footage of the incident or the aftermath.
Besides, she can get an autopsy report about her injury, which then can be used for evidence, if she decides to prosecute this matter.
This is actually a very easy case, in which she could win, and sue the hell out of the guy (or the company), because she was literally assaulted by someone in that company.
Lastly, I seriously baffled that I could find corporate bootlickers here in Mangadex, and from multiple users none the less...
Like, y'all seriously letting an assaulter scots free, or even giving threats that the victim would get "BlAckLisTEd fROm aNY JobS" if they reported it?
Fucking hell...
There's millions of jobs available out there, and not only as a corporate slave, so it's not the end of the world if you're getting blacklisted from a job, since you can get a much better job elsewhere.
And if you DID getting blacklisted when you're not in the wrong, even more like this girl where she was assaulted, then you can brought this matter to the court, which will be an easy win if you have all the evidence.
Just hope that kind of thing won't happen to you, or you'll be eating those words.
Imagine when someone assaulted you in the office, to the point that you're injured, and you don't do anything? I wonder who's the stupid one here...
Need a mirror, bruh?