Handheld the whole time
What secrets are you holding to know this information. Hmmm I sense a great power within you (power of spoilers).Lapis full on horni
Prince is one of us
vice-pres is antagonistic
He think the way prince is going isn't 'correct' and thus do all kind of scheming to get him on the 'right' path.
way will you even put that garbage here tho? nothing on THAT is even remotely applicable here on this story!! at god damn least chose one that is YURI!!! not that disgusting garbage, looking at the tags just makes me wanna vomitSeems like this series need something like this one 478758
💀💀💀(If this kind of comment not allowed tell me i will delete, kind of lazy reading law or a thing xD)
No, no, his comment is applicable. He's saying the yuri couple needs to be NTR'd. Which is exactly what happens in that one.way will you even put that garbage here tho? nothing on THAT is even remotely applicable here on this story!! at god damn least chose one that is YURI!!! not that disgusting garbage, looking at the tags just makes me wanna vomit