@CardiBSlays Oh, you know, the 9, 327 (at time of typing) followers want to read it.
Personally have it on my "Plan to read"
And rating something... anything based entirely on a description and without actually reading a chapter because it goes against what your morals are, is a crappy thing to do imo, but you do you.
EDIT: Started reading it. Whilst they all shout too much for my liking, polygamy is a thing. Personally, I support polygyny but not polyandry (because with the later, regardless of what happens, as long as no one cheats, both the mother and the father of the child are known, whereas with the latter, it can be harder to find out who the father is. And yes, I know you can check DNA etc, that's why I said harder not impossible. In third world countries, it's likely not feasible for them to do DNA tests)