For some reasons , the speechs of the Demon King are not in speech bubbles like other characters . Maybe he is whispering , or speaking with his mind .
"Maybe I should diet . They sure were cute." He sounds like a total virgin , lol . Now I cant delete this image from my head : The Demon King bones the loli girls with his big bony boners , lol .
Page 12 : Wasabi is picking up the rolling head of the Demon King and then gives it back to him . I guess you can say : Wasabi is giving "head" to the Demon King , lol .
Even when the Demon King loses his head , he is not dead yet . Good luck with killing an unkillable undead , Aki .
Page 5 : the demons are so resourceful , they ate that hero's meats and organs , and then turned his skeleton into their servant , lol . And then he gets owned/pwned/pawned by the words of Granite .
The author must have played some games like Dragon Quest , Zelda , Skyrim and Dragon's Crown . Now I understand why the game Dragon's Crown has some "Bones dying message" like :
"Arrow... In the knee..." /
"(It looks like a dead body...)" /
"(It seems to be a corpse.)" /
"(No response.)" /
"(No reply, just a corpse.)" .
If Mimit has been using Wasabi's room , I thought the room should be wet all over , from Mimit's drools , and from her squirts , lol .