I wonder how closely the series is gonna stick to real life history
because to my (admittedly very, very surface-level) understanding of the matter, the ainu continue to dwindle in numbers over time and aren't 'saved'
Oh no Asirpa. I thought you alone has no death flag in this story. But now that you too wants the gold to protect your homeland...
I wonder if Tsukishima is having Igogusa drowning flashbacks now. Finally managed to make a real friend after all these career soldier years, and now this.
Really good Golden Trio moments this chapter! Loved the interactions between Nihei, Shiraishi, and Boutarou.
And... now it's Shiraishi's turn to save Sugimoto from asphyxiation.
@ak2508 Considering how brutally accurate he is about the ultimate fate of the Japanese wolves, I don't think the Ainu are getting a country. I think it will either be lost in dramatic fashion, be used for something historically inconsequential/hilarious, or the military gets it.