Gourmet Gaming

Active member
Jun 8, 2018
The main character is stricken by a rare condition that affects only two people in the entire world, bulimia.

God I wish this would be changed. It's not bulimia. He has literally none of the symptoms of Bulimia. He overeats because of his condition but Bulimia would have him throw it up afterwards. Dude literally says he's eating 5k cherry tomatoes a day so he's not fasting. He exercises because HES MORBIDLY OBESE AND GOING TO DIE OTHERWISE. Even with the healthy lifestyle he is living he is still overweight. He doesn't see himself as fat, HE IS FAT.
Apr 24, 2019
Thank you for the quick translations and hope you keep it up. Ignore all the people bad mouthing and insulting the quality of your work. personally I'm just glad it's here.
Mar 9, 2019
I really liked this series because its about food and change of current "flavor" of the month webtoon. Thus makes me want to have small comment regards The whole scanlation scandal(?).

I think both scanlation teams have pro and cons and i hope this is just a nice competition and does not hinder or bring down the scan quality. Here is what i think and im appreciate both of your efforts to bring this series to viewer.

This is comparison between Arang chap 16 vs chap 20.

ArangScan translation sounds more nature and less MTL for me. Even with the new proofread and editor for PMScan, it still seems wonky and awkward for me in some parts. Especially when PMScan introduce new color for random highlight that didn't make sense to me. I get it if you are highlighting game terms or terms that is ambiguous in translation but to me it just seems random. Also PMScan highlight words didnt have explain for the highlight. So im confused to why there are being different color and it's distracting me

But PMScan effort of the redrawing, typeset and effect is really nice. I can see it in chap 16, PM even put efforts into the whole game skills textboxes (translate and flipped it, blur it) while Arangscan didnt. It feels disrupt the flows for me when suddenly there random texts that aren't sfx in korean. I hope this quality bring down is because of Arangscan feels the needs to catch up to PM and neglecting.

I read both team and while PM is for the ffast i want to know what next, Arang is what you would do and re-read when a recolor chapters or official release where its more refine. I hope that both team have a healthy competition and don't rush things to be on top :).

Thanks both teams for the translation :D this series really deserve its attention for the amount of food porns there is.
Group Leader
Dec 8, 2019
Just a note for the people who actually think we're dropping the series:
That was a joke
We're not dropping the series. We're going to catch up to the raws and properly translate all the chapters.
You can either wait for us to release chapters, or read PMScans' unintelligible translations.
The choice is yours.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
@LuminescentOwl All that other info and the part you talk about is the most irrelevant one? Either way, if it's made up just give it a made up name, call it Brach's syndrome for all I care. But it's not the fact that only 2 people have it that bothers me. ITS THE FACT THAT ALL THE SYMPTOMS ARE WRONG.
Power Uploader
Apr 23, 2020
Here's a message for us all to ponder...

We are around 9 years yes... we only just got back like 1 month and a half.. the reason that we take a hiatus is because of people being greedy and sniping small scanlation groups with their series. so nothing is new about scanlations.. still same people.

Ok, let me enlighten all of you. We are behind 2 weeks on uploading in mangadex, on Peach and the Book of the Last days Manhua, but we have released and we are 1 chapter advance on our site. Then suddenly we saw this scanlation group that releases chapter 1 in English on Mangadex.. so I thought that they didn't search enough and mistakenly scanlated it, but then one after another the other scanlation group releases more.. 2,3,4 chapters. so we thought, is the other scanlation group doesn't search and click the one who is already scanlating it? then came the 3 chapters at once releases of that scanlation group, so I said, whoa, these people are rude.. they are sniping our release.. the series is not even popular and we are just enjoying it. so I thought well, we've battled long enough and had experience doing it for over nine years... So I gathered all of our friends and scanlation group collaborators to come help.. old friends in this scanlation scene.. way back in batoto days.. like 2009 lol..

So, we search this other scanlation group what is the most popular series they have..? To be Honest.. we didn't know about this group and the "Leveling UP Manhwa" either way that's the best choice we have.. we ought to snipe 2 manhwas, my friends say.. the other one we are currently working as of now is the "Destined for .. like that lol. it's like 36 chapters.. sooo... Moving on... Our friends in Korea bought the entire Raw chapter of Leveling UP for us (thank you Bro. you know who you are! chapter 1 - 25 baby ) We speed scan it.. we had fun.. some foods, chats and all.. after all, scanlation I supposed be fun right? Then after we finish it in 3 days. we all at once released it. the rest is history.

We are not bully, We are just a laid back scanlator. But being disrespectful is not our cup of tea.. And Sniping is not our style either... But we don't have a choice, do we? We just retaliated what the other scanlation group did. and sorry to say we cannot undo it, we will continue scanlating. Let there be a lesson to those scanlation groups that prey on the small scanlation group who only enjoys what they scanlating and suddenly you snatched it to them... Whether they are not that good and you feel there is something off. Wouldn't it be nice for you to just Message them and give them pointers and how to work around their series so they can have a better quality of translation? or even in redraws? (btw your redraws sucks realtime..) compare our Peach Chapter 10 and yours.. then you'll see that you can just translate good.. but your redraws? ugh... Please keep also in mind that Scanlating is just isn't shoving your "Quality" translation and putting it on the image. let me remind you that it is an illustration and ignoring redraws is just plain dumb. What you have to do is still 50 - 50 .. you do translation and you do redraws.. simple as that.

So I think you are all bored reading this long post... Then Let's have a break... Chapter 21 of Leveling Up will come later. Cheers!
Aug 21, 2018
@luminescentowl & @wolfwhistler
The author actually uses a made up illness 폭식 결여증 not bulimia (폭식증/대식증).
Since it is a made up illness, the translators probably used something that they thought would be most understandable.
If you break down 폭식 결여증, 폭식 is binge eating and 결어증 is aplasia, which is failure to function or develop.
So take what you want from there.
Jan 15, 2020
@Grail To be honest, as a cleaner and translater, translation is still more important than cleaning. I will read a good translation over a good cleaning, because the text convey the story.

Retaliation is pretty childish and, as you complained they didn't do, you could have contacted them and sorted it out with them.
Collaborations between teams are a thing.

Yes, a good cleaning is important, even if we're doing something illegal, respecting the original work is important. But guess what? It's the same with translation.
I'm not telling you to stop. I'm just telling you to get better. Do it fast, alright, but do it good at least.

Reader aren't here to see you fight over which chapter was better cleaned or if you're in the right.

Scanlation is illegal in the first place so grow up and stop fighting.

Thanks you for your work. To both teams.

That aside, I really enjoy this story for now so I'm definitely gonna read the VO! Thanks for the discovery!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@LumiinescentOwl But... hasn't it been established the author didn't decide that, that the translators did?
I mean like, whatever it's not a big deal, but there's a few layers of goofiness there either way.
Nov 16, 2019

i lost my father today, but reading this cheers me up.
Thank you so much the team. Have a nice day
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 7, 2019
@IAmInept Thank you so much! I will use this immediately! I am so tired of my hopes getting up, only to find out that it’s a PMScan release. Now I won’t have to torture myself.

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