(Past-life) MC: targets a commoner with light magic, spoils a dress, a textbook, and hires some criminals... and is banished and has a Muscovite-style "accident" as punishment.
Basically, her punishment is death.
Shady priest: actually kidnaps a Ducal heir and crown princess, attempts (possibly committed?) sexual assault, and absolutely commits lése Majestée... and is politely asked how he's feeling today?
And the prince is told to Basically Just Chill?!
What the fuck is the standard, here? Is it actual misogyny? Like, girls can be given huge punishments, but guys are too important to be punished?
Because the standard from her former life seems to be that this Alois fucker should be having his intestines removed in front of his family, while still conscious.
(I'm not being macabre; that was a normal punishment for lése Majestée, actually)
So weird.
Also, please totrue this twat for hurting my beautiful Rachael, k?