@Princeofcups Uh, no, the people not liking the characters don't want a "sex toy". Don't force your assumptions on other people. They're sick of guys that are CLEARLY in love with a girl not do a thing until 1)it's too late and she gets with someone else. 2) He's such a loser that even after there is some development that, if it was, in reality, they would start dating and have development between them. 3) He literally lets the main girl interest/girls in general and everyone else walk all over him until he gets cucked or it constantly teases that theme because he's a bitch. Why is it unfair to hate characters for a personality that is in of itself toxic?
Having a "best girl" does not stunt growth. Where you even got that idea baffles me. If all they did was have a 2D "waifu" and don't have a social life at all, that could definitely mess with both guys AND girls. But just liking a certain character (best girl) more than the others, how tf is that going to mess with development? By that logic, you can't have a favorite female character because it will turn guys into social and romance related retards.