Hagure Idol Jigokuhen - Vol. 8 Ch. 51 - Rice on the Side

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
@SuperOniichan I just really REALLY hate Sarah so it would probably be the last straw for me if the author just turns the FMC into a copy of her. After how daunting the start of the manga was it would be just really heartbreaking if he went full circle with this shit.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2018
LOL Maria, I did not expect that one. :p

Anyway, does women's sumo exist IRL?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Iskarioth Hah, for me personally, not much has changed, except that the dirty men have been replaced by dirty women, but now Rui pretends that in this case it is hurmless, lol. Well, although I doubt that Misora will LITERALLY become a copy of her, since Sarah is too original in her madness, but even if it does, it will obviously be at the very end. Until then, we will get the participation of Misora in lowkey orgies or seduction / rape / sex inspired by herself with random characters as the maximum.

@pihip Wait for the 60th chapters and the 10th volume. You will definitely like them lol.
Feb 9, 2020
@xyzzy @criver

It was very common to marry your dead brother's widow or have a wedding commence with the bride and the best man in case the husband died before. (Also, in rural countrysides this still happened less than 100 years ago. My great grandfather married his brothers betrothed, because his brother was supposed to marry her when he came back from the war. But he did not.)
That's cause a marriage was more like a merger of two businesses today and rarely two people really falling in love with another, which is also why you needed each parents approval.

I bet the whole "masturbation is a sin" stuff came after monks discovered a loophole in the whole "you shall not have a woman"-stick. Like monks just started wanking all day with butter and then one abt got fed up from all the schlurping during mass and during bible study discovered the phrase in the bible about not spilling your seed without reason, so he banned all masturbation. Like the loopholes they found with the whole "you shall not eat meat or meat products from animals with 4 legs while fasting"-stick, where they had to eat fish. Sk they declared beaver, otter and birds to be fish. Or just dunked a pig in a water barrel and declared it to be a fish.

Pre-marital sex is a different issue, though, cause if you have men running around fucking women, creating bastards and then bailing, the women somehow have to feed 2 mouths then. And there is a reason why parents still get at least 1 year parental leave today: Taking care of a baby is a full time job.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Myorn Well, it was mostly about keeping the lineage possible, which is why French and British princes have so often married the widows of their older brothers. It was believed that a husband's brother or wife's sister is practically the same thing. Although it is quite funny to compare this with the general laws about incest of those times, for example, in ancient times my people considered parent x child to be incest if you had sex with your wife in the parent's bed.

When it comes to premarital sex, while it was not considered "as scary" as gay sex, it had similar problems in the eyes of the then moral guardians. Firstly, this deprived young people of the motivation to start a family (of course, Rui is a dubious example, but according to Hagure you can perfectly see the commoner's perception of romantic relationships as sex with a stable partner and nothing more), and secondly, no one needed dubious bastards and venereal diseases.

If the nobles, as in the case of Philip of Orleans, could produce offspring, their gay adventures were of little interest to people. First of all, because sex in the eyes of people of the past was primarily a tool for creating a family and producing children. LGBTQ activists can talk for a long time about tolerance and intellectual enlightenment, but if you pay attention, you will notice that especially tolerance to gay folks began to grow just when the institution of marriage and traditional values began to devalue in society, and therefore people became less takes care of the absence of children or spouses, and as a result, of those who, for obvious reasons, cannot have all this in principle.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
I hope we get more of the sauna girls even though they lost their fights.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
Lol, Sarah and her 4D chess moves, Misora never change, thank you for the chapter and glad to see the tournament rivals are taking things in varying degrees of seriousness. Rooting for you sumo gal avenge Raiden.
Group Leader
Dec 29, 2018
@Odoritomaki If you're using Photoshop, you can use the marquee select tool, select the area around the text, and fill it with white or whatever the surrounding color of the bubble is.
Feb 9, 2020
I was mostly talking about the common folk and not the nobility. The latter may care on power, extending the lineage and shit like that. They could just fucking pay the church some ransom and be absolved.

The common folk married and produced offspring as a retirement and health insurance plan. After all, who is gonna feed you soup if you are too weak to hold a spoon?

Also, fucking damnit. You made me read the wikipedia page on homosexuality during history to satisfy my curiosity. There is some great stuff on power and penetration dynamics of m/m relationships in roman-graeco times there.

And, most importantly, the section on lesbianism is very relevant to this manga and your issues with it. In short, due to the male centric view on history, lesbian relationships were only considered a minor sin for a long time and it was more tolerable for young, unmarried women to find sexual relief from another. But it was much worse for married women, cause they would seek pleasure outside of their assigned sexual partnership.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Myorn Well, for ordinary people, things weren't much different. The only difference was that you could marry for love, but you still needed as many healthy and strong children as possible. For example, when the revolution happened, my great-grandfather was considered a kulak, because he had 6 sons who worked at his mill.

Hah, in my country until the revolution, lesbianism was considered group masturbation and maximum refusal to marry, while gay men could actually be executed or imprisoned. This is a fairly typical approach, for example, Brantom described lesbians as early as the 16th century as women who "get too horny without men". It is also characteristic that although he loved to describe adultery, how the Spanish wife of Francis hid her sadness with her maids of honor, he describes as a purely "ordinary pastime". Modern feminists love to shout that women are sexualized by men, but in fact, it is men who are considered sexually vicious creatures, while women are assigned the role of innocent creatures who, in any situation without men, remain "eternal virgins." Have you ever heard the old English "For Homeland Britain" meme?

Anyway, the fact that Hagure is simultaneously trying to make a feminist or lesbian-friendly message, but at the same time clinging to one of the most toxic homophobic and sexist stereotypes like oxygen is one of the biggest reasons for my whining.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@SuperOniichan The statement is not contradictory (if you meant it in that sense, if you didn't just ignore this comment). You can take away different types of freedom of a person.
For instance, sexual freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of travel, etc.

@Myorn It's possibly part of it. But again, it's a lot easier to control people that are sexually repressed, especially if you're laying out the rules for their sexual life.
At the very least it means that the indoctrination of the believers is as strong as to control their private life to a very concerning extent. It works both as a gauge for
the "devotion" and as a tool to control.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@criver Do not look for insidiousness where there is stupidity. You do not take into account that the mentality of that time was much more conservative than it is now and the priests were the same product of that society as ordinary people. I understand that now it is very popular to expose the church in all sorts of conspiracies and evilness, but in this case you are simply ignoring the historical context.

As far as freedom is concerned, it is both sexual and personal. Europe was more conservative about sex, but never had untouchables. Not to mention harems, eunuchs or other "eastern subtleties".
Jun 18, 2018
At this point, the author isn't even trying to hide the fact that this manga has devolved into soft hentai lmfao.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@SuperOniichan Not necessarily insidiousness, since I do not believe that the majority of believers, priests, or w/e actually think they are doing a bad thing. But you don't need the majority to be insidious for a select few to take advantage of such a system. And that's true for any major religion. As far as Christianity goes, the moment it was adopted as a major religion, it has served since as a tool to control the population. At that point the religion turned from a religion of the prosecuted to the religion of the prosecutors. And you can see that evolution clearly throughout the ages, culminating in the inquisition.
And Europe very much had untouchables, this included the king, nobility, and the clergy. The higher you were on the hierarchy, the more untouchable you were.

My point is - there is no good justification for sexual repression. It's a manner of control and infringement on freedom as any other.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@criver Any power is engaged in control, including ideological control. And while the church was undeniably good at ideological manipulation, since the priests were early psychologists, sex really did not play a role here. Many of the priests themselves were horny weirdo who suffered from this culture. Hit the word "pornocracy" in Google.
It's funny that you compared the untouchables to the king and the nobility, since untouchables are literally the Indian version of the word "ubermensh", lol.

Well, in our history there was such a thing as "the right of the strong", which in one way or another still exists. If the nobles believed that the king was too weak and bad, she could overthrow him. For example, Henry II suffered from being a bisexual hipster at a very unfortunate time for this. You may also have heard of this as the "right of the conqueror" when it comes not to a change of power, but to the seizure of a foreign country. That is why the Russian government is still cultivating the cult of maximum strength.

@acid This is a smut manga from Goraku, there is nothing strange about it lol.

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