you speak in a society of science, very often the religion has taken over during the history, which has sometimes pushed back the knowledge.
Moreover, it is a world where magic exists and because of its existence science as we know it and these processes are likely to be slowed down and religion will take over even more, among other things because magic will be a useful science, but also difficult to improved and understand without knowledge in chemistry or other natural concept.
I do not know how you see the history of our world, but if you look at it you will see that not everyone is moving at the same speed and that there are many countries and peoples that no longer exist.
each country has these priorities and above all the mentality of the leader can block the advance of a country, if you are at war permanently and you have no good contact with your neighbors, information and research will be at the speed of what your country researching.
so if you do not finance it, there will be no progress in research
if for example you are like China, american indians or Japan and you block all contact with the outside country and you spend your time doing wars to unify your country
it is likely that you will stagnate compared to the rest of the world
in the second world war there were countries that used musket while others were coming to the nuclear bomb.