Hare-Kon. - Vol. 19 Ch. 187 - Dandelion Woman - Fin

Sep 25, 2019
This was... fine... and then it was... f... fine, i guess... but then it just got unbelievably dumb at the end.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
That was a very convenient ending. A bit rushed but it was a happy one that i'm satisfied with.
And i'm glad she kept up with the lie and brought back tuna😆
Active member
Dec 10, 2019
I feel like this was a massive waste of time and everything was super unsatisfying.

My family background actually is polygamous (my grandpa had 5 wives) and let me tell you polygamy works fine as long as the wives don't live in the same house and you don't necessarily marry for romantic love. Otherwise it's a major headache of constant jealously and infighting. And there needs to be a lot of respect for the women in the relationship because them being together only because they love him and he wants them all is not healthy.

I'm sad that the end was not a depiction of a healthy polygamous relationship that could result from their union (literally only Yuzu would have been happy with him), Koharu might be able to handle it if she could live like a satellite wife (and he freaking matured and became less of an asshole) so he could visit but she could kick him out when needed. And Madoka flat out needed to just stay out and turn him down at every opportunity because she's clearly not the type to be happy in a polygamous relationship.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Ahh thank you for bringing us past the finish line!!
Active member
May 27, 2018
Ugh I guess it's a "nice ending". But did Madoka's feelings just what?? Dissapear?? Her whole arc was just there for drama points. And personally Ryu and Koharu's chemistry made more sense than any of the other wives...I was so happy when she left and got divorced but then suddenly she's pregnant and poor so she comes back? Why does that leave a bad taste in my mouth.
But anyways Thank you translation team! It was still a fun read!
Jan 29, 2019
@haru35 Thanks for the chapter updates!! You do excellent work! I’m impressed! Can’t wait to see what else you got. Keep up the good work!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Should have dumped him and just lived together with the other women. Also don’t know WHY you’d have sex with him right before walking out the door.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 25, 2018
hello guys. I dropped this series long ago and just wanted to know one thing. Is the first kid from Joe, Mc or did it even ever got tested? Many thanks in advance.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
Thank you for translating this, even if I am not satisfied by the ending I'm grateful to have read it.

Well we come to the end of the wreck, Modako juste came back, cuz why not ? no real reson was given
Koharu is reduced to the Woman with no money who is trapped by her chiled. I mean sure we knew that she wanted a child. But showing how much she was poor amplify that she is in the Hare kon because it's the best choice for an easy life, even the background charactar said she wanted to marry a sugar daddy.
Yuzu... well Yuzu is still Yozu, I had some hopes when she said she will leave last chapter but I guss she won't, at least she seems the only trully happy one.
For Ryuu and nothing changed... still a bastard
I mean at the end we are still in the same point just with children. What was the point for all the drama ? we didn't even get a character development

I wasn't expecting anything yet I am disappointed
Mar 20, 2018
I guess we know why all this drama happens, because Madoka has to come back as the second wives, lol. This feels like a rushed ending, which probably can't be helped with NON having an infant...

Regardless, this is still an enjoyable read, even though the ending is less than satisifying.

Thank you for the translations!
May 7, 2018
So it went from a slightly more realistic take on harem manga by having the girls be miserable while the guy reaped all the rewards, to suddenly 180'ing and going "sykes, harem life is best life".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2019
Yeah that ending wasn’t satisfying at all but it was a good ending . It is only not satisfying if you see it from the perspective of the characters dealing with all of the hare-kon BS in order to accept it and embrace it in the end. But it is really realistic also in that aspect, some people will just cave in to that and normalize it if they focus on the joy of it, the companionship of the wives, the love for one person in particular and in this case it was the battle hardened friendship the girls had after their own experience with the whole ordeal and the overall sense of family that sticked then together.

It’s a solid 6/10 , could have ended better but if it’s what the author wanted , who am I to disapprove?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2020
Fuck. Me. Sideways.

Just when you think she's out she gets pulled back in. This was going so well all till the last chapter. This was turning out to be such an awesome message on how you can't have your cake and eat it too. That actions have consequences. But no! Everything shaped out exactly the way hero boy Ryuu wanted it to. Madoka's all chirpy sunshine for some reason now. Cue cliche beach scene of the cult. Just fuck me man. 3/10

Regardless, I want to give a BIG thanks to @haru35 and the gang for translating. And at such a hyper speed too! Wow!! Kudos guys. Your hard work is admirable. God bless.

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