I must be as gay as Tauro, then.
Ririsu: Girl's got issues, no thanks.
Ebino: Proof that the artist has never been in close contact with a large-breasted woman. I like her personality, but I hate the way she's drawn.
Eve: Pretty and nice, but dedicated to her man so it wouldn't happen. Tauro should make her jealous so she gets pissed off and can touch him, then engage in the most epic hatefuck of all time.
TauroMom: Sure, why not. So what? I'm closer to her age than any of the other characters, and Japanese women usually age well in my experience.
TauroSis: Fuck no, she needs a good kick in the head.
Amakusa: Yep.
Granny: Nope.
Alice: Hell yeah.
Twin tailed friend: Nope, she's too devious for me.