For a short version read only the
underlined parts.)
A romcom going in circles shouldn't be something new for anyone here, but even though this manga did this before, it never stayed there. When ever it was done, at some point something was added to the relationships or the knowledge about FLZs, like arcs should do (even if I wouldn't classify those as arcs). And then every circle was broken at some point and we moved on with the story and ended in another.
The story did progress. Many other romcoms don't accomplish this in such a good way. Some of those characters grew (what makes it so painful to see them going in circles again, but this is due to them ignoring facts, denying reality and running from it, so it is also part of their character growth in the long run.)
Many of the core secrets of this story have come to light. Tarou and nearly everyone who matter know, that Ibusuki is a girl, the secret of seeing FLZs is also out. Some love interest is now out their to get a hold on Tarou's di...heart. Point is, the mangaka doesn't have that many turns left to go in circles.
This here is the endgame. And it is a big one. Not such a bullshitty finale like in Nisekoi, in which it all came crashing down (way too many ships to sink). It circles into a conclusion and there is no way to escape. Even the editors can't change that. (They could, but it would break the story. 😁)
On the matter of the JS TarouXEbino: That ship never really sank, though it doesn't look like it will make it. That ship has run aground and is damaged, but Ebino tries her best to get it free and she made sure it wouldn't sink from the damage it took. In a race it wouldn't win, but, while both ahead, the
JS TarouXEve is in trouble and the
USS TarouXIbusuki isn't event trying to make it to the finish line. Ebino made everything right. She doesn't want to make the situation awkward, made sure to be still "available" and seemingly stands on the sideline by not becoming clingy and yet trying to be informed and not be out of the loop again (which lead to her being turned down).