@orcbolg1 @ thisguyhere17 but it has been shown that Eve goes into a state of sleep every time he thinks about Ebino and starts sparkling every time he thinks about Ririsu . My take is that even though Tarou prefers well endowed girls like Ebino he will still choose Ririsu.
this manga is so fuckign bad, i literally dropped at 30 or so when all of MCs friends started getting pussah minus the MC himself. if you ever want me to recommend you the biggest self-cuck manga out there with a beta boi mc this is it
I think @Aricitic has a point in saying that these zombies are a threat because it affect the real world.
Even if not the broken versions of FLZ, imagine that these zombies can change the mind of people, the one like the Amakuza Z2 that changed the mind of the boyfriend.
This cement my earlier theory that FLZ is not the owner imagination.
In arab myth there is a kind of Djin (equivalent with japanesse Youkai) named "Gharib"
It was born together with it's human and latch itself forever
It doesn't have own will but mimic the human behavior/appearance/mind
My theory is FLZ is similiar kind this youkai/djin
But the FLZ exclusively mimic the human first love
Why is Tarou-Dad acting the way he did to the brother, who doesn't have a FLZ anymore? Why do the mother and sister not aware of this difference in attitude?