Hayate no Gotoku! - Vol. 52 Ch. 568 - Final Chapter There's Something I Want To Tell You Below This ...

Jun 16, 2018
So it took them two years to get back together? Never a fan of when authors do that. A month or two I guess but really two years?!
I feel like it got so rushed at the end for all the chapters we had that didnt really do anything. Heck Nagi's birthday party was one panel and Hayate's was that even mentioned? Nagi got a job to buy him a watch but nothing ever happened from it. The ring Athena gave Hayate also seems to be another mystery unless I missed something there. Athena found it from Hina's sister but was that ever mentioned again?

So many chapters got wasted on random stuff that the ending seems so rushed.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
Poor Hinagiku, honestly the best girl in this manga. Oh well, I guess Nagi's good enough for Hayate :/


Jan 16, 2019
YOU DON'T CUT THE CONFESSION OF THE BEST GIRL LIKE THAT. Why...why...just why... I was waiting for it...I know that it's going to be that damn Nagi...but why...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 31, 2019
Damn that scene with the parents is satisfying. I hoped they get killed but seeing them possibly going to be tortured is nice
Active member
Jul 26, 2019
What a ride. It does feel like the ending is rushed with all the time skips preceding the climax of the final arc, and the afterstory is a big letdown for me. Overall, a great manga with some of the most clever 4th wall breaks I've ever seen, a number of likeable characters with some nice interactions between them and generally a fun story that doesn't take itself seriously, for the most part at least.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 5, 2019
Ahhhh, owari da. It's finally over. This was the longest manga I've ever read and I gotta say, I'm not disappointed. Despite the pointless chapters, I enjoyed every bit of it. It wasn't boring and it was somehow kept fresh, it didn't feel like a rehash of previous chapters. It was consistently good and entertaining. But that doesn't mean it didn't have flaws. While I did enjoy these chapters, a lot of them felt wasted. There are still questions lingering in my mind that could've been covered by these pointless chapters. I'm not gonna state them obviously as this series is so long I would go on a tangent.

The story isn't the main point of this series, for me at least but what it stands for. A gag manga that should've only lasted for a year but kept going for 13 years because of its random yet witty humor. It doesn't take itself seriously while also using those parts as its main plot, like with the first misunderstanding. Like I said before, the humor feels fresh and never recycled. It references popular medium that fans would enjoy and provides a great easter egg hunt. Characters have their own personality that makes them unique and lovable. Their interactions keep this story lively and fun. This is the reason why I find Hayate entertaining for over 568 chapters.

Now for the story itself. It's not original yet it has its own identity. Hayate takes these popular tropes, clichés, twists and plot devices and make it its own. The story isn't something groundbreaking but will still keep you engaged and entertained nonetheless.

The best arc in my opinion is A-tan's arc. It deals with human relationships and how it can make and destroy you while also providing good character development for both protagonist and heroine of said arc. I am still sad that both of them parted ways and I was hoping that she still has a chance because I can see the fire still burning. But alas, it didn't happen. A-tan is still best girl though.

That's pretty much it. I don't know why I keep switching between formal and informal speeches but just think of that as an overall review and how I'm serious about this. Anyway if you read this, I hope you liked it.

Overall score: 8.5/10.
Apr 21, 2020
Well... its finally over... i spent my supposed time studying for exam reading this in a few days. But it was worth it. I find the story extremely enjoyable and fun to read however what happened to the concept of mortal blows? Then again i at this moment i havent read the epilouge so yeah... Tbh i came here cuz i heard of it from tonikaku cawaii. No regrets. It was by far one of the best series i read. This is one of my first comment on the site so... this comment might not be phrased that good

Welp goodluck for my remaining exams
Mar 20, 2019
Binged this in four days and I guess I don't mind the ending that much considering first girl Nagi would obviously win :L

Bummed out that Ruka didn't win as I liked her the most out of the Hayate girls but only by a little compared to Athena & Hina but hey we now got Tonikaku Kawaii to read
Oct 27, 2019
i really wanted hayate to end up with either athena or hina :(( I read 550+ chapters to be disappointed by what i knew was coming ;((
Double-page supporter
Sep 16, 2020
so basically i watched the first two seasons of the anime and I HAVE NO IDEA WHO ANYONE IS OR WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING PLEASE HELP

edit: i now see the last bit and a little tear speckles my eyes
Active member
Dec 5, 2020
This was truly a magnificent anime and do believe me when I say this but I would love to support hata kenjiro and wish he continues to give us his art and fills us with what he produced and if I can get something that is actually what he is offering (like action figures and key chains) I would have the best interest to go buy something from him and what he did to get at this point. Keep up the work and good luck. :)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Worst ending evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. How could the author pull this after having Hayate explicitly stating that he doesn't view Nagi in a romantic light and after having the final arc be about her growing up and be independent? Ruka and A-tan didn't lose just for Hinagiku's confession to be cutoff in the middle, gdi.


Jan 16, 2019
Legitimately F YOUUUUH AUTHOR. I spent years of my childhood cheering for Hinagiku. Constantly watch her on the top 3 of character popularity. Saw her fighting for Hayate over and over again, especially in Athena arc. See her make a rival pact with Ayumu. All of that to never even give her proper confession scene.

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