On page 24, looking at the raw he says that even the vice-captain's level should be higher, not stars
This version is rougher, but looks more accurate than KS Group's
Another thing: in traditional japanese RPGs, 体力 is HP, while 魔力 is MP
Oh yeah, on page 1 it's probably not "speedrun", should probably be "self imposed challenge"
And about 廃設定, which is in the title, the best I could come up with would be "the worst (character) build".
Most dictionaries don't help at all here, but according to https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E5%BB%83
it could be short for 廃疾 or 廃人, so it'd be a "crippled build"
廃 could also refer to "addicting" according to that page, but I'm not sure if it really fits in this context.