this problem isn't exclusive to yaoi, unfortunately. bizzare noncon shit where characters get violated for audience enjoyment happens all the time in manga, boys or not. and also i wouldn't even consider this a yaoi, truthfully. it's gay, sure, but it just doesn't
feel like true yaoi... it's difficult to explain lol, but yaoi as a genre has many elements to it than simply "'romance' between two boys." (romance in quotes cuz this series isn't romantic at all) idk... it's just i've read my fair share of BL and this feels distinctly different. maybe it's because most yaoi is written by women and the author of this one is male, or it might be how most yaoi is a lot more romantic and this one has a much more action style plot. either way, it feels bizzarely heterosexual and doesn't have the
spirit of yaoi
if you want some good yaoi with no rapey shit, try these:
stalker x stalker (the stalking is consensual & mutual, don't worry LOL),
kitayama-kun to minamiya-kun (very sweet), and
chirijiri yuku no (the premise is weird but it's actually very heartfelt)
the world of yaoi is vast and beautiful, trust me.... (ง'̀-'́)ง