Throwing out words like 'abusive' and 'repugnant' easily makes you that kind of person.
Seriously, you're trying to pretend like we're putting words in your mouth, when you're the one who said it.
Everyone here's trying to tell YOU off, not us, maybe there's a reason why?
When you think everyone's wrong but yourself when everyone's telling you you're wrong, you have to look at the mirror a bit.
This chapter isn't that amazing. I dislike how their expressions are similar and they have their mouths open most of the panels, but you treat it like the characters were demons trying to scrape away the MC's flesh.
There are good parts to it though still
It's literally a romcom. Tsunderes flying kick MCs like it's nothing. In here, the MC was hit once and then the next frames there was no pain anymore, because it's a manga.
You're trying to justify you're using of exaggerated terminology now, by pretending you were logical before.
Now, what you said is normal criticism. "The presentation is bad"
That's great.
"She's abusive. They're repugnant"
Now that's over-the-top insults. Not constructive criticism.
Remember what you just typed and think again