lmao the transphobia here, pretty pathetic.
Glad that the author followed through with Kaito being trans, there was lots of signs and it's all too familiar for theses types of stories to end with a "it was just a phase" for the queer person. So happy that the two got together at the end, the scenes of them together at the end were very sweet. Also, when they all lived together, it too was pretty sweet. It was the only time Mikako had a semblance of normalcy and it pulled through for her. It's a bit odd to still have that as her profession, but it tracks.
Not huge on Sho and Yuki being friendly together, I'd be pretty fuckin pissed that my friend not only attempted to rape me, but also that they tried to blackmail my two friends who had a secret relationship behind my back.
Overall I enjoyed this as a trashy romance and it had a lot to say about queerness and presentation. Can't necessarily be cool with all of it (a bit too on the nose about childhood traumas and the like), but I like where it landed.