Hiroin wa Zetsubou shimashita.

Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2019
bad but not that bad.

The storytelling and especially characterization aren't too good but that's about it I think. Everyone seems to hate the characters but I can't see myself doing that at all.

What's happening here is just a case of the author's characterization being inadequate, whether intentionally or not. You know, that kind of thing where authors create their characters in a comic-bookish way with a specific goal in mind of making readers either love or hate them.

It's just that because the character(s) these readers are supposed to hate/love don't get the ending they think they "deserve", many readers raise their pitchforks.

I personally think the series is pretty enjoyable in spite of the poor characterization. It doesn't require as much thinking as a mystery or as much fortitude as a horror so you can just let the story flow, chill, and read.

That said, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy mystery or horror though. But just imagine a mystery or a horror with a bad characterization. It will be much less enjoyable to read than a relatively simple story like this.
Mar 20, 2023
Honestly I just binge read it, and I really just didn't care for anyone in this story. Nothing made me feel for them, nor did the torture scenes or anything do anything to me. All it just showed was that this is some crapsack world with terrible people running around. There's just too many things being attempted to really have a good focus on anything and at the end of it all, I couldn't care less aside from how psycho bitch seemingly is in the "right" despite all the acts she did. Previous user put it well that this is a waste of time and all the characters are one note.
Mar 21, 2023
Freaking finally. Can't believe I tortured myself just to see the ending. Glad I get the ending I wanted but it's a shame it's not enough for me.
Aggregator gang
Dec 7, 2018
Why does MAL listed the chapter count of this manga a total of 110 chapters but when I saw the last chapter the RUS translation count, it ended in chapter 104?
Feb 25, 2023
The ending is quite... Idk, he got pitied by the writer or is it a bit disappointing?no rather it isn't that satisfying. He got away too easily aaaaaaaaaaa frustrating
Mar 7, 2023
Finally finished it.
Do I regret reading it? Not really. Could my time have been better spent doing literally anything else? Probably.
I will forget this exists until it randomly pops up from the deep recesses of my mind in a few years from today.
Apr 29, 2020
Idk why you all guys think "yes" "no".
The story, the characters, the premise, everything. THIS IS A PERFECT 10.
I have read manga for over a decade and a half. Usually the story and character development is too fast or single dimension.
Here you are taking a scalpel to tear down layer by layer of their history or personalities. Instead a machete.
The stress is being presented perfectly to the reader. The gravity of the consequences been shaken from light to heavy all the time. Usually, that's bad and easily done worse. But, here it's perfectly along the story and mindfully.
One time, the heroine is at the most rock bottom. The second time, she gains hope. Either later being struck down again. Or the hope gets stronger to fall harder later. The story, the events are captivating.
I even think the manga was too short. The story was too rushed.
Could easily be even 200 or 300 chapters and not only a mere 104. Although eventually, was rushed the story sticks and close great. Even the ending is great.
Jan 18, 2018
For anyone who've read up till the end or at least all the english release: does the dynamic get any better? As in, do they ever get past the master/slave thing, like maybe the MC starts developing feelings or the guy starts treating her better (a la Kedamonotachi no Jikan)? Or does it just stay constant sekuhara/borderline r*p* until the end?

i found this after reading one of the author's other series which was right up my alley in degeneracy with blackmail, manipulation and all that jazz so i came looking if he had done anything else as good.

boy, did i absolutely regret reading this.
i binged it in a day and even though i had to skip overall ~30 chapters in the last 2/3 (particularly towards the end), it still bothered me so much mentally that i actually had trouble falling asleep that night from sheer anxiety.

from an objective point of view, this is a good series.
the art is good. the writing is interesting. the action is nice.
the problem, however, is the content. i really don't know what target audience the author was aiming for with this.

if you keep reading eventually you'll be faced with multi-chapter mini arcs dedicated to torture. and i'm not just talking about the run-of-the-mill torture like waterboarding, but some real shit only possible in fiction, both physical and mental. and there is more than one mini arcs like that. and before you ask, no, the torturers never have any good motive for doing so other than they just get a kick out of it.

and then there's "our boy", the glasses kid.
while trying to fall asleep that night i was trying to remember all the most despicable characters in fiction i've ever seen. maybe i didn't remember enough characters, but among all the ones i could remember i can confidently say this kid is THE most dislikeable character in fiction i've ever seen.
let alone how much of an egotistical psycho he is, he is also a pathetic coward loser.
watching him get brutally bullied by that other girl (also an incredibly despicable character, just not to the same extreme as him) for several chapters while just eating it up and doing nothing to stand up for himself was one of the most pathetic displays i've seen coming from someone that previous to that thought so highly of himself.

psycho girl is just as psychotic as the glasses boy, minus the pathetic loser part.
she does unspeakable things throughout the story and it all becomes water under the bridge just because she wants to scissor the MC and helps her with whatever she needs, while "lightly" molesting her at every chance she gets. very quickly she is seen by the group as a nice teammate and good friend, which just rubs me wrong as a reader.

the series is so bad that every character is just unlikeable other than the 2 siblings, and i do mean every character. even the MC is extremely pathetic from beginning to end and even when she FINALLY grows tired of being brutally abused 24/7 she just becomes another psycho herself.

do yourself a favor and stay clear from this one. if you're looking for some actually good and enjoyable degeneracy, go read the other one i linked to at the beginning.
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Jul 11, 2023
This was good, too bad the MC gets killed at the end, in rest it's a 10/10, hot af too.
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Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2023
I thought it was an ok read, nothing to write home about though.
Although I am glad that the bastard got a bit of what was coming to him.
Jul 8, 2023
If only Akiba make peace and team up with Adachi to have a good ending but no. That motherfucker tortured Adachi for 3 DAYS and I was so mad that I had to blame the author😭
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2021
This manga requires the reader to have iron gusts or be a psyco, but it is a 10/10 masterpiece
  • We have an arc of the hero's path, the best character development in this manga
  • We have many revenge arcs with various results; Akiba, Adashi, Shibuya, Himi, former slaves, Brat, etc
  • We have a hero's fall arc, simply wonderful
  • The best construction of the villain I have seen, it makes you hate him, and you yourself say that he is irremediable
  • The focus is the Hope and and know how to listen to others. As Sandman said, what would be hell without hope? Think about that when you read the manga, hope is everything, how you change if you don't have it.
We lives in a society where if the girl is Yandere is ok or if is psycho and sexual abuser is redeemable, but if is a male Otaku Yandere psycho (with only brain and more weak that a female) rate the manga 1/10
It has a low score simply because many could not stand the construction of an anthagonist, the History always makes you want to read more.

And about the IRL allways remember: "la venganza nunca es buena mata el alma y la envenena"
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