Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 5 Ch. 22 - Shampoo Improv…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Red225 The way I see it, the cure is just a hoax. Basically if one becomes a mage and uses magic (mana) correctly, they wouldn't be sick at all. That's the hidden part the nobles keep to themselves and guard the privilege (knowledge) jealously. There's some medicine they invented, costing lots of gold, but it's nothing but a substance to suppress the symptons (let's call it uncontrolled mana overflowing), without making the "patient" a mage, keeping them ordinary, powerless citizens. Basically just a scheme to milk gold from the rich merchants, while at the same time making sure they won't gain mages of their own to threaten the nobility.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
@Kaarme so far, as of what's translated in the LN, it's looking like that. Not sure what WN spoilers have to say.

I'm starting to suspect that the nobles are almost as ignorant as the peasantry, though. I doubt many even know how to use magic without convenient tools to do the jobs for them. Something along the lines of thinking "if even we can't do it, it's not worth telling the uneducated masses".
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
Money is Great Motivator, isn't it?

*Plays Trump's Money Money Money theme*

(& so is Death apparently)
Double-page supporter
Feb 20, 2018
Have folks here not read chapter 12.5? (Or chapter 12(extra), depending on where you look.) It states outright that her issue is caused by her mana growing too large for her body to contain, causing it to turn on her and start eating her alive. It also states that she needs a magic tool to survive.
People in this world don't "use" magic the way we tend to think of in fantasy. All magic is done by utilizing magic tools. The tools absorb magic from a mage to create an effect. Thus, a magic tool can save the life of someone like Main, because it would drain away the mana that's killing her. Magic tools are rare and expensive, and generally only available to the nobility. Thus, Main needs a lot of money to get her hands on one.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Madcat6204 Damn, you are right. Either I had never read that special or I had totally forgotten it. Nevertheless, it seems to be public knowledge excess mana causes it. In a certain sense it's certainly much more realistic such a thing couldn't be kept secret forever. However, it still seems strange people affected by it won't be put to any use. That suggests there isn't actually much use for magic at all in that world. Perhaps there's no combat magic whatsoever, no healing magic, no magic to aid considerably with very common things (like transportation or preserving food). Magic would be only good for things of limited, very specific use, so nobles wouldn't bother trying to gather commoners showing signs of considerably mana, as they would have little use for them.

Main's best bet would be able to study magic, nonetheless, and to study how to make magic tools if that's the most reliable ways of getting rid of excess mana. However, that seems like quite a distant dream, unless her otherwordly knowledge catches someone important's attention. Furthermore, that important person would also need to be smart.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Kaarme: It's...not a hoax...per se.
(spoiler of a faaaar future)
The magic tools are EXPENSIVE to make, to the point that for some of the lesser nobles they even have to choose to abandon some of their children (pre-baptism) because they can't afford the magic tools. This is because to make one you not only need to hunt magical materials of the right properly, but also have to process it into said tool.

Even the magic tools sold outside (like the one Frida's using) are among the cheaper variant and likely secondhand too, where the only thing they do is absorb excess mana and store it into the tool.
(which is the same sort of tool given to commoner contracted to nobles btw, the excess mana gets absorbed and the noble replace a filled stone with empty one, making the commoner essentially mana battery for the noble)

Heck, even when Myne rise in position and become a noble, it's not like she can give out the tool willy-nilly either.

It's not that the nobles don't value people with high mana, in fact Myne's high mana is part of how she'll rise in social position later.
It's just that people with Consuming who lives to baptism (the point where you're considered a 'person'...before that point your death means NOTHING, even nobles' children are the same in this regard) will usually have too little mana to be of use
And the ones like Myne with ridiculous amount of mana? See previous Myne.
So even if they want to find them, the amount of resources required to seek out these consuming kids will not be worth the rewards (Myne is an exception, not the norm and it was her who came to their place, not them going to find her)

In fact that's one of the earliest comment by the 'doctor' who examined her
"How...are you alive?"
(commenting on the insane amount of magic power she holds and how impossible it should be for a child of under 10 to keep that mana in check without a tool)

@Madcat6204: Well....as usual, read at your own risk :v this is quite a spoiler
Mana CAN be released without magic tools, we've seen it happened earlier actually (go back and note her eyes/background whenever she has an outburst of emotions)
The thing is, most people can't control it properly and reckless discharge can actually hurt others and self.

Another reason that's explained later is that nobody, even the nobles, learn how to properly use magic (besides the most basic release of mana for greetings) until they go to school at the age of 10.
Partly because it requires a lot of preparation to go study there, and partly because even the nobles have to ensure the student sent to school isn't someone who'll use magic for ill.
And because part of the study is how to compress your magic, to increases your total mana capacity...
Yes...'compress your magic'....guess who's been doing that....
(the reason they don't do it earlier is because it requires a lot of willpower to do so, and failure can lead to death)

In fact, that magic tool for storing magic? That's kinda necessary for all noble children planning to attend the school.

See, not everyone have high mana capacity, so the amount required by lessons would be too much for most students.
So what they do is attach the magic tool to the child since young, replacing a filled magic stone with empty one and collect that magic stones filled with the person's mana.
Then they use these stones for lessons.

Myne, who became noble without those years of preparation? IIRC she filled all the stones necessary within less than a month.
Part of the reason they send her to school IS because she has too much magic power and she need to learn to properly control it, otherwise mishaps caused by her magic will cause a lot of damage to the surroundings

<- Someone who finished the WN after binging it for months.

EDIT: Speaking of magic, a random spoiler for people who enjoy them
People with Consuming and Nobles are NOT the same.

The primary difference lay in their attributes (in color signifying which family of Gods they're more suited with which affect what kind of magic they're better at)

Nobles are born with attributes based on their parents (mainly the mother, which makes female nobles with high mana actually more highly valued than male)

Whereas people with Consuming have none, or very slight all-attribute. This makes them able to accept magic power of others more easily (guess how the dad's magic power get to affect the child *lenny face*) but they also lose those attributes quickly.
(Side note: to have a child, the two people must have 'harmony' in their magic power, which include both attributes and mana level, so no, LutzxMyne is not happening)

Then there's people like Myne, who basically 'die' at some point during the Consuming fever and managed to crawl back to life (this includes current-Myne's comatose btw, not just the one death on old-Myne)
See, part of their body is crystallized into magic stone with each 'death'
Which makes it so when they're 'dyed' in someone's magic power, the magic stone become dyed with those attributes and KEEP IT (after which they'll reject other magic power like a normal being with magic)
Meaning these 'Death Touched', extra rare among the Consuming, can gain attributes and thus have no noticeable difference with the nobles once they're rid of those internal magic stone fragments which can block magic flow....btw this is why Myne is extra fragile, she's basically living with magical version of blood clot.
Also why she has the random "Yay~~~ *blap* *ded*" moments like with Mark earlier, her magic power get more active because of her emotions, but the clotted flow cause her body to be unable to function properly and collapse, basically a magical high blood pressure
(there's a reverse of it later, when she get to drain some mana out and now she's got 'too low mana pressure' to move)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat Sorry, but I won't be reading any spoilers, as I'm not a novel reader, so I can't really comment on anything you might have posted within the spoiler tags.
May 14, 2018
Only nobles know about the disease
The reason why Frida know about the disease because her granpa is the head of merchant guild and has connection to the nobles
Even Benno doesn't know about the disease.
However, it still seems strange people affected by it won't be put to any use.
The disease is VERY rare and the people that get this disease died at young age
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
was there trouble that the previous chapters aren't uploaded here?
Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2018
@scripted The previous scanlator, EGScans doesn't upload their works in MangaDex. You can read them at read.egscans.com
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
New name for the product: L'oreal, because Main is worth it.

So about the consuming, she is retaining everything like in a box but since the desease is that she generates too much mana wouldn't an obvious solution be to release the excess mana instead of containing it?
Does anyone can shed a light or would be willing to extrapolate on it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So the whole problem is that they have no idea how to use mana and it is too "dangerous" to research it?
Seens kinda stupid but it is the setting we got I guess.
If I was in Main position I would have just learned to control the mana, since it would be dangerous likely after going to the forest or requesting some place to stay alone for it... but likely would cause some acident first since I would not know what I was doing.
Oct 19, 2018
How would you 'learn' to control the mana?
I envision it as being rather similar to trying to learn to read a language. How do you do it without someone else teaching you?
Plus there's this whole issue of, y'know, the thing killing you if you're not careful, which might make learning difficult.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Well as of now Main has a little of control over her mana by just visualizing what she intends the mana to do, wich would be the primary attempt for any kind of energy inside you body, given the assumption that since it is part of your body the body must have some inate mechanism to control it instinctually, like we know how to breath without learning about it, an as such initial attempts would be things like expanding and contracting the mana and afterwards absorving or releasing it and after that trying to use it for more complex tasks like infusing it on body parts or other objects with especific effects in mind, that kind of things.
Working on the idea I know nothing about how it works and have the knowledge I had before starting to read this manga and were reincarnated in Main's body or some other in a similar situation with no previous knowldge of the word I find myself in.
Likely I would try to learn to use magic even if I was a commoner that should not be able to use it, like Main's sister or Lutz as soon as I discover that magic exists in that world so...
Oct 19, 2018
Thing is, her mana never goes anywhere. She can control it, sure, but it's not discharged or spent in any way. Likewise, if the body can regulate mana the same way that people can breathe, then it stands to reason that her disease would not be an issue in the first place. She would have a lot of it, sure, but the body would just discharge it like normal. Unless she can't discharge it like normal, but then we're back to the point where she can't really 'learn' to discharge it the same way you learn to breathe harder when you're out of breath.
Ultimately the limitation that the work has provided is that mana doesn't burn out just because she wants to. It (maybe) drained out when she was exposed to the Trombay, but there isn't concrete evidence to that.

And, of course, there is the language barrier. Within the bounds of this story, magic is not common knowledge. Education is not common, and reading/writing is something that requires effort to learn. So far we haven't seen a single instance where a person can use magic, and it's fair to say that the usage of magic by a person is, therefore, something that requires constant training and learning and therefore has very strong social connotations to its use.

TL:DR Red Riding Hood. You get to fail once.
(Also Main's like 7. If she were older and had access to more resources then yeah, she would be in a better situation. But she's 7 and can't walk from A to B without passing out)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
he doesn't know how to properly do a head pat a loli! send him to the ranch!😤

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