Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Vested Interes…

Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
This flow feels familiar - MC gets paid for information, merchant guild tries to get her into debt with genuine help, MC manages to pay off the exorbitant price they ask for.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
The bookshelf beckons,
it's siren call speaks of words
written on paper.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Qelix : He has the right to produce it right now, but she still own the full right as per the magic contract.
She decide who get to make it, and permission granted can be rescinded.
Her selling him the production method is similar to the shampoo where after she's sold him the rights for it she can still sell him the improvement method, the rights aren't involved, what's being traded here is information.

Now note that there's the second part, LUTZ get to decide who get to sell it.
And right now he's given permission to Benno via the agreement of accepting Lutz as apprentice at Benno's shop after his baptism.

And you're missing the point if you think she care if his workshop can produce more than hers, a tiny little hut with TWO CHILDREN running it.
She even said so in the same chapter.

She just want more paper, because her final goal is/has always been BOOKS.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So NOW magic is important, NOW you start to realize that MAGIC is real and dangerous.
Really how did I end up liking a story with such a slow MC, I stopped following Re:Zero for less than this... argh...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
So can she control the weather or something? Or that is, hire someone to do so? I wonder if that's what was implied by it raining.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
She's a bloody idiot, selling paper manufacturing information for so cheap. Is she going to grow up at any point, or is she going to continue being a moron? I mean, she's supposed to be a reincarnated person, who was an adult, but all I see is a little brat with absolutely no real-life experience.
Jan 24, 2018
@Siikalahna except that for her objective, she doesn't cares if it is cheap, as long as it multiplies and she get books, she is fine with that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat: Indeed it looks like she is in charge at that point. But when she agreed to the deal with Benno she didn't set a date of expiration or any conditions to empower her to terminate the contract. If the agreement could be terminated on a whimsical decision like, "I want contractor B to continue the production instead of contractor A." it would open the door for major frauds. I don't know enough about the economy, laws and workings of magic of that world, so I could be wrong, but it certainly looks like she sold herself out far too cheap again. (Well, she could appoint another contractor, after Benno has been successful enough, and set the profit-share conditions into their contract, together with an expiration date.)

And I know, that the workshop and the paper production are just means to an end for her, as she wants to introduce enough technology, so that book production starts in a big way. But that doesn't make her less stupid in this hindsight, as an end she will meet, if she continues to make such decisions. Her own. She needs that money and has to live to see the day affordable books (and therefore a hugh variety) start to circulate. And this will take time, which she seemingly also doesn't realize, as there is no market for cheap books, as the illiterate rate is too high.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Qelix:> she didn't set a date of expiration or any conditions to empower her to terminate the contract.

The contract is for her rights, why would she need to terminate those? the agreement for Benno to sell her products is as long as the two are working with him (or more specifically, Lutz), so as soon as they leave, that's over.

Also, Benno wasn't the one who proposed this contract, IT WAS MYNE. (Chapter 14)
Initially Benno proposed that they get 10% of net profit from whatever he makes, but Myne proposed she get those respective rights instead.
To quote that page:
Myne "Even if we get a commission, there's no point in any of this if we're dismissed, right? It'd be a problem if we're fired after you get your hands on the product. RATHER THAN THE PROFIT, I WANT INSURANCE WE WON'T BE THROWN OUT" (bold for emphasis)

As for the idea of fraud you mentioned, it's not happening because there's this thing called credibility.
If say Myne ditch Benno after he's successful enough like you mentioned, how would the others perceive this?
She'd be seen as someone who'd backstab others for her own gain (ESPECIALLY if she waited until he's invested so much to make the business a success), so who in their right mind would want to work with that person, when there's that precedent?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
Thanks for much for the chapter. Hope to see chapter 30 soon.

Myne sure needs to learn the value of money. She should have been looking to enrich her sister and parents as well as Lutz and his family. Maybe her sickness affects her mind and ability to reason as of now, but it is obvious to have a permanent percentage of all sales coming her way for the paper as well as the tools used to make paper. Give her time and I bet she could increase efficiency and quality.

Dumb question but how come the official english takes so long to be released? One would think that those who do translations for a living would be much faster. Or is it that they lag it a bit to make sure sale stay higher like you want people to wish they could get the next volume. That and they have lots of projects and only so many people.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@Liquidxlax it usually has to do with licensing and procedure, all the official paperwork and whatnots really costed a lot of time before a publication hits the self.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Qelix: "she didn't set a date of expiration or any conditions to empower her to terminate the contract."

@WhimsiCat: "The contract is for her rights, why would she need to terminate those?"

I'm sorry, I termed that badly. I didn't mean the magical contract to be terminated, but her agreement with Benno, that allows him to produce paper and seemingly sell it, without sharing his profit with Myne.

WhimsiCat: "the agreement for Benno to sell her products is as long as the two are working with him (or more specifically, Lutz), so as soon as they leave, that's over."

If that's the case everything is A'Okay. But this way to pull out is just what I don't see. Sadly I can't remember chapter 14 that clearly anymore and it is gone from Mangadex for now. I'll look for it later. But if it's just a insurance for not getting fired, what happens if they try to leave on their own accord? "RATHER THAN THE PROFIT, I WANT INSURANCE WE WON'T BE THROWN OUT", sounds like they'd forfeit their rights to take that tech with them the moment, they want to leave (or die).

And credibility goes only so far. Benno keeps trying to trick Myne with clauses and loopholes. It's not very credible, if my partner in crime tries to fool my all the time. If such behavior is acceptable for a merchant and to be expected, then pulling out of a business relationship and pulling the rug away from underneath the feet is also to be expected, if not handled by a clause. Benno didn't demand such a clause, so it is reasonable to assume, that such a clause is automatically included (by law) in such a "sell" agreement, that Myne and him finalized.
Aside from Benno and Myne and generally speaking: If I posses knowledge and a magical contract that empowers me to entitle producers and sellers for a very profitable product, I don't need credibility for this product, as there will always be somebody, who is willing to bed with me. To counter such a (for the economy) toxic behavior rules/laws have to be established, such as the above mentioned, for example.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
This girl is so stupid when it comes to economics, it's not even funny. I get that she's trying to get other people to make paper so she doesn't have to think about it, but why would you sell the entire rights away for the amount of money they're going to make back after selling 30 sheets of paper? At the very least, sell the rights away but ask for royalties instead of a single-time payment. Same with the shampoo: the merchant no doubt made his 3 small gold coins back with less than 10 orders of the stuff.

It's like this author is trying desperately to sound like they know anything about economics, but have never read a book about it in their life.
Oct 19, 2018
And how would she enforce those royalties? Last I checked the place didn't seem to have anything resembling a modern-day judiciary system or anything that would, y'know, discourage the accidental stabbing of a small girl.
(But yeah Myne is not really about the money. She's a bibliophile down to the marrows of her bone.)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Qelix :
>her agreement with Benno, that allows him to produce paper and seemingly sell it, without sharing his profit with Myne.

Where did it say exactly she will get nothing out of it? People keep assuming that and I have yet to find any proof that he'll take all the benefits on paper.

>sounds like they'd forfeit their rights to take that tech with them the moment, they want to leave (or die).

You're misreading it then, the whole point of that reasoning for Myne is to ensure Benno keep employing Lutz.
Remember that the initial reason she get into this whole merchant business is for Lutz.

> Benno keeps trying to trick Myne with clauses and loopholes

And everyone of them, he also reveal the trick eventually, if he's truly greedy why would he do that? (Heck, with the contract loophole he literally gave her the contract to read again so she'd realize it)
He is intentionally doing that to teach her about merchant trade, because experiencing it yourself will make that example last. And with these 'smaller' mistakes she won't suffer (relatively) massive damage.
Just look at how they react at this latest trade.
By just him paying without reaction, she's already wondering if she's charging too little.
Now go back to when she just started, did she ever think of that?
Heck, the fact she's even charging for information now is because of him teaching her not to give out these information for free. Again, considering he's the only one dealing with her if he is that greedy he has no reason to tell her that.

That's the signs of her growth as a merchant right there, thanks to Benno teaching her in a rather spartan method.

Heck,the whole comment on Water Goddess visiting Benno is also showing how much Benno has changed from interacting with her.
People were that shocked that Benno has 'soften up' this much that they're saying that.
Btw, as for the term itself
When Myne drop the bomb and ask what it means (this happens, a lot)

The most common interpretation of calling someone Water Goddess is having romantic feeling for that person.

Mark came to the rescue and explain the less common, but valid interpretation of Water Goddess being someone who bring forth Spring i.e. the season of growth. So in this case he's saying Myne has brought them a lot of benefits.
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2019
Everyone else is railing about the economics. I want to know who else has Benno on their husbando list. Because I sure as hell do.

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