I remembered Hachiman's line about how he's incapable of holding interpersonal relations and that he'd dump a girl if she calls him in the middle of the night
Sleep is important. Back in the day I would silence phone if my girlfriend call me late or during my nap. Hey, we still got married anyway xD I like to wake up ealier in the weekends and she likes to sleep in. Revenge came unexpectedly xD
I want that Kanou route more than ever before ?. This is a cat fight. I doubt Kanou will just give up like that. Looks like we've got ourselves a new female character to be introduced.
If Kanou doesn't win (and she most likely wont because fuck that trope), then this manga and author are a fraud, and need to be sued into a position where he can't inflict that garbage on anyone else.
Unless he can prove his editor pressured him yakuza style into this garbo anti-story. Then we might forgive him.
I'm surprised how angry some people are getting over this. Was anyone really not expecting this? Hoshino is the girl the series is named after, of course he was going to end up with her