Well, when u're meeting an old crush just to get closure and after hrs talking still fail to mention u have someone i suppose u were expecting something to happen.
As it is now, im not sure things will stay as it were for long. Btw, Yuria looks exactly like the girl from the oneshot
Tbh, after their random start Sae and Miwa grew used to each other but if u ask me i dont really feel like they have a strong bond. Sae is pretty complicated and unstable, also rather immature while Miwa is really indecisive and a big pushover. Everytime Miwa tried a serious conversation Sae always avoided, mostly with sex. Not that Miwa was ever an open book either.
Didnt really expected it to follow the oneshot but it actually might be. Never felt like they were a good match, not as lovers at aleast.