How to Fight

Jul 26, 2020
@DanTheMan6383 honestly agreed I had so much more fun and hype when reading this then Solo Leveling ever since the moment the mc got his powers, the series just went downhill for me right after the first couple chapters.
Dec 22, 2020
Absolutely Masterpiece but take my warning... You will cringe.. a lot... especially at the start.
But it is definitely worth reading.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
@tjdude Lol, just joking. The latest three chapters don't appear in the chapter list at Naver because those are only the free chapters. For Naver series, often 3-5 chapters are paywalled at any given moment, and can only be viewed by readers who purchase them. I'm kinda surprised that you can write and presumably read Korean and don't know that, 'cause it's common knowledge among Korean readers. There are ways to obtain raws for paywalled chapters, and several groups other than ours do it with their series.
Mar 26, 2019
@Kendawa Oh I see, I just don't really read webtoons or use Naver often :p I thought I could get ahead in chapters on there. Thanks for your guy's translations though, the work is really good :)
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 8, 2019
How is Korea still functioning as a country? It seams that every parent are in a hospital bed or death. "Seriously" tho in the last 2 weeks i read close to 10 manhaw with the exact same setting, 1 of the parents is dead or missing and the other is in a hospital bed while the mc busts his full of debt as* to make money and sometimes he even has to provide for his little sister which i think are all the same person that is running some kind of scam to get money from multiple elder brothers, maybe even the parents are the same you just dont see more than 1 mc at the hospital room at the same time
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
How is Korea still functioning as a country? It seams that every parent are in a hospital bed or death. "Seriously" tho in the last 2 weeks i read close to 10 manhaw with the exact same setting, 1 of the parents is dead or missing and the other is in a hospital bed while the mc busts his full of debt as* to make money and sometimes he even has to provide for his little sister which i think are all the same person that is running some kind of scam to get money from multiple elder brothers, maybe even the parents are the same you just dont see more than 1 mc at the hospital room at the same time
South Korea is literally the worst developed country in the world. Their society is a dystopian nightmare. The only reason it still has a somewhat good reputation in the west is because of the contrast to North Korea.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2020
This shit is honestly really creepy with how everyone's walking around with sticks making videos
Jun 22, 2024
reached chap 50 and decided to stop, the plot isn't that bad but im the typa guy to sneak peak at the last chapter to see if my ship cpl end up together. Personally it was a big disappointment to see the romantic stuff of manhwa like this with MC always end up with that pretty girl they meet at the start despite that girl did the least for them while Gaeul out here supporting all the way.

Disclaimer: i didn't finish the manhwa so i have no rights to yap like this but it just seems like the author handled the confession of Gaeul so bad possibly the worst ive ever seen i just have to comment
Active member
May 27, 2024
L histoire est mid et la romance mauvaise . Mais au moins c est marrant
Sep 21, 2024
Segunda obra do Park Taejoon que li em minha vida,vamos lá.

1 Ponto - A arte: A arte é um 3D(acho eu) feito de forma 2D,oque foi oque fisgou minha atenção pra essa obra,pois eu vim esperando uma obra 2D tipo Lookism,isso sem dúvida me pegou de surpresa e prendeu minha atenção,pois como é um 3D,os personagens podem ser bem mais detalhados e bonitos,e é oque acontece ao decorrer da obra. Muito bonita a arte.

2 - Narrativa; A narrativa é aquilo que já sabemos,muitas reviravoltas,vários plotwists,uma hora você tá se mordendo de raiva por um personagem,na outra tá se debulhando em lágrimas por conta dele. "Um turbilhão de emoções". Não é a frase mais adequada,mas é a primeira que me vem á cabeça.

3 Ponto - Construção de mundo; É o universo de Lookism,com gangues,algumas coisas sobrenaturais,uma lenda viva treinando o personagem principal e muitos,muitos,mas muuuuitos inimigos fortes que dão uma SURRA no personagem principal,que só não morre porque a história tem que continuar.

4 Ponto - Personagens; Embora muitos personagens sejam interessantes e gostáveis,alguns deles acabam sendo mal utilizados e descartados muito rápido,como o Snape,que sempre esteve lá com o personagem principal desde o início,mas que nunca foi muito aprofundado ou explorado,outro também é o Yeonu,teve tanto,mas tanto hype pra quando ele conseguisse masterizar suas técnicas de luta,mas acabou a obra e não mostrou ele usando 100% de sua capacidade ou potencial em uma luta,isso é bem decepcionante.

5 Ponto - Personagem principal; Ah sim,nosso querido Yoo Hobin,o garoto que luta dando cabeçada na mão dos inimigos(literalmente) e um dos personagens principais que é mais difícil pra mim falar sobre, não sei com oque começar. Ele é realmente um personagem muito bom com seus princípios e seu carisma,além de que ele sim evoluí muito durante a obra,deixando de se tornar aquele magricela pra virar um dos caras mais fodões do PTJ verse.

Bem,deixando as emoções negativas de lado,vamos logo ao veredito,pois eu deveria estar estudando pras provas de amanhã ao invés de escrever análise de manhwas na internet. E a nota final é:

8.5/10 Nota: Eu eu ainda não perdoei o Hobin por escolher a Bomi ao invés da Gaeul no final,que raiva!

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