@givemersspls Depends on the novel/series and/or focus of the novel. Probably the worst offenders are anything influenced by Matt Ward or written about the ultrasmurfs or grey knights.
@ReaVen_LEAD I don't find the protag to be that much of a self insert. Hes straight forward without being a horndog. He could use his powers to easily make a harem by just spitting on ladies but he doesn't. I don't mind this story that much but I don't expect amazing stories out of Isekais. If a trend has blown up then you mainly focus on the manga that started that trend and not the ones capitalizing off it because they won't be as good. Its like Scooby-Doo and its numerous rip offs. No one really remembers the rip offs but they were viewed well enough to keep happening and only Scooby-Doo remained at the end of it all and he started it all. It might not be a good comparison but I think it might hit what I mean.
@rokegle135 Well taste is purely subjective, and experience wouldn't necessarily matter either. So long as they enjoy it a lot they'll rate it highly, whether or not it's "written well" or anything of the like
Yea I understand taste is subjective but it's like watching sao as a kid it was great but you rewatch it as you get older and its pretty mediocore
I don't demand pure love forever, but the only reason all those girls stick to the MC is because every cell in his body is literally crack for anybody in this world. They literally get withdrawal if they don't suck him off. He's a dealer and plantation all in one.