Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai o Suberu

Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
this is aight
tortured MC with the big secrets keeping his identity a secret
you get some insight into his character without any LN type word vomit monologues
they beat you over the head a little bit with the whole "who is this mysterious and overpowered MC" trope, so far not as annoying as it the way it was used in cough cough Great Mage Returns from 4k Years ago cough cough
diggin the art style (sometimes)
the teach' with the short spikey black hair's got some nice facial expressions
qualms i have currently im sure will be addressed anyways so
at the very least it doesn't insult your intelligence and turn every wahmen in sight into a braindead damsel in distress sex object, like a certain overhyped anime currently airing this season.
it is rather inoffensive :)
Active member
Mar 29, 2020
I think the manga is not bad. The art style is really very good and the characters are memorable. Sure, it isn't a big shot, but it is definitely not bad. I think some Shonen Manga fans should try reading this.
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@Thoxi1026 Right? I thought the same at first. "Surely it can't be that bad if I just read it once in a while, at some point you're getting used to these low quality mangas, it's like junk food. Plus the art is really pretty, surely it can't be that bad".
But it kinda is that bad. Reading it just hurts your brain really. I'll read a few more chapters to give it a chance, but will probably end up dropping it. Just because I like to make myself suffer by "giving a chance" to low quality mangas.

yeah, no. I'd take an anime that "turn every wahmen in sight into a braindead damsel in distress sex object" over this low quality cliche shonen any day. I actually feel like my intelligence is way more insulted by this than any ecchi manga.

I just re-read it to make sure I wasn't just exaggerating and yeah, it's just really is THAT bad. It's rushed, poorly developed, cliché and the pacing is way too fast.

Every character is a massive living shonen cliché, it's like they have no personality outside of their character archetypes. They just feel copy pasted straight out of a "how to write a shonen manga for dummies" book. The "OP MC who is actually cursed or hide a big secret so he's seen as useless by others" is a cliché. The "lazy teacher who is actually OP" is a cliché. The "cute noble girl who is top of her class and treats everyone with the same respect, but is actually a massive violent tsundere" is a cliché. The "muscle head commoner friend who acts impulsive" is a cliché. The "noble asshole who treat commoners like trash for no apparent reason other than the fact that he is a noble" is a cliché. The "shy elf who was bullied but the MC is the only one who doesn't discriminate her" is also a massive cliché.

And you know what? Clichés are fine. Lot of shonens rely on clichés. I wouldn't usually mind, if it wasn't for this terrible pacing that makes you feel as if every cliché is not only a cliché, but a straight out caricature. Everything is introduced WAY too fast, the characters meet in one chapter and are already acting as if they were the best of friends since forever. As a result all the jokes just fall flat and I cringe instead of laugh. It really just feels like reading Black Clover all over again.

@Touyue it's not the worst out there for sure.
I think the reason why I feel so frustrated about this and I feel like it is just THIS bad is exactly because I'm really digging the artstyle. It's way better than most mangas out there.
So it just really feels like a waste to be able to draw like this but ruin everything with the story telling part.
Jun 5, 2020
the cover is soo misleading they don't look like that and the story is your everyday junk manga, i'm dropping it
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@Kekitus i mean those ones also fall into those cliches
what i was saying was, if i remember what i was feeling that day (i've already forgotten what this has been about), at least this is cliche'd and doesn't do the following as well
the lesser of two evils of sorts
if im remembering what i was raving about
or maybe i was just salty cuz i decided to give SAO another chance and felt like worms were eating my brain from within
so at least something run of the mill served as a breath of fresh air b/c it didnt cause me such pain
i should also add when i say braindead damsel in distress
i mean when a character is rather intelligent and fully capable of handling a situation
but b/c we have to have an obligatory fanservice scene cuz #reasons
she suddenly acts out of character
and especially in cases where the writers think they are being clever by trying to make it a huge emotional moment
that just so conveniently progresses the plot
this is the more egregious type, insults the reader/viewer
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@MolaCola oh yeah, in that case I completely understand and agree. There is nothing more annoying than having a clever character act dumb all of a sudden for no apparent reason just because the plot needs to somehow progress. Fanservice scenes are fine with me, and to be frank I even usually even enjoy them as long as they are not done in the most stupid way.Like, fan service is supposed to be a plus, it's not supposed to hurt your story by making your character looks super dumb. So yeah, I agree 100% with you on this.
Apr 29, 2019
goddamnit. how I'm supposed to know if that manga is good or bad when even literally total garbage got rated by ~100 people as 10/10
Double-page supporter
Jul 8, 2019
He got a little too much frosting on his creampie.

Anyways, id rate it a 6/10. Not anything great or unique, but pretty enjoyable as long as you dont think too much about it.

Id say the folks saying its utter garbage should take their critiques to any manga within the isekai genre.
Apr 10, 2019
unique art style is cool and there isn't an absurd amount of unfunny filler like most isekais so it's alright
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 10, 2019
Not a bad update. This one is generic and mediocre, but it has enough moments of promise and uniqueness to keep me reading. It's not bad.
Jul 5, 2020
I really love the manga artstyle, the art above doesn't give it credit at all. Hope it goes a more original path but so far the artstyle is very refreshing.
Apr 22, 2020
@Saxie I totally agree, and was about to say the same thing. The cover makes you think it's gonna be super generic with those character designs, but when you actually read it they're way better.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2019
Magical Highschool power fantasy with a shounen jump artstyle. Not too shabby to be honest

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