I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

Oct 11, 2020
Thank you for the trans!!

i’m glad you’re faring better now duke but but sorry duke, your sins are far too grave
Aug 19, 2020
Even if the Father regrets what he did after realizing Keira is his real daughter and got help from magic dude to change the past. He still got her fuking killed, like holy shit my dude this fake appears and basically claims to be the real one and you decide to execute your daughter that has been in the family since birth!!!! Like fuck his redemption arc i don't give a two shits about your feelings, it doesn't matter if Keira was blood related or not she's your damn daughter.
Nov 8, 2020
oooh it'd be super interesting if the duke retains memories from the past as well looking forward to his horrified and guilty face when he realized he had killed his real daughter in the present-that's-the-past
Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
Introducing the Butterfly Effect! Congratulations, a lot of what you know from your previous life is now useless :D
Nov 4, 2018
I don't think the dad has memories of the past. Nor do I think he has deja vu. What I really think has happened is that he misses his real daughter (MC) seeking his attention. That her absence has made his heart grown fonder. So when blondie showed up (miss faker) and she called him father he was shocked by how much it didn't mean anything to him coming from her. He wants MC to be his daughter again because sadly until she pulled away he probably didn't feel a paternal connection to her. And now he does.

But now he has to deal with blonde-faker and his real daughter. One is an actual stranger and he probably doesn't want anything to do with her. And one is stranger-like and he wants a relationship with her but isn't sure how to go about doing that. (I've inferred that last part from all the times MC addressed him formally and no longer seeks his approval and his then feeling disappointed that she doesn't try to suck up to him.)
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2020
OOOOH shit, i didnt think that the Duke would change his approach with just a few snip bits of the previouse future, now that was one of the more interesting devolopments and a awesome chapter, i hope Keira is as cunning as Jayna from Angelic Lady, that would make the story even better
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2020
@QueenLuz the Duke did remember, it was in one of the beggining chapters, but he only remember snipbits of it and it was as a dream so he didnt take much consideration to it, till Keira starting acting differently from the usual way and this chapter confirmed that he now realizes the dream of him resenting and even watching his daughter get murdered was true, and that changed his answer
Dec 30, 2019
i totally forgot about how he had “dreams” of the past in this timeline.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
I think he was making sure that the events happening in reality were the same in those dreams he's having , that's all there is to it and its so obvious so please stop analyzing and thinking this is more deep than what it appears to be
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Oh, Daddy didn't fuck up immediately - congrats, my dude. Our expectations for you were small, but you actually managed to meet them. Also, Grandpa had better get his shit together instead of flailing around like last time.

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