After reading spoilers I really considered dropping this series because, let's be honest, the crappy royal/noble father suddenly becomes more interested in their daughter trope is getting drawn out for far too long. This feels like an imitation of WMMAP both art and story-wise. I say this but honestly I'm kinda enjoying the main girl learning about life. There's something endearing about an uptight noble girl trying to figure out how to be a normal kid through... smut.... and .......gambling........... Still on my considering-to-drop list, but hopefully if they can just keep this cute shit going for a while it'll come off that list.
((pst father is still an asshole and honestly nothing can excuse this treatment for me especially if they pull the "i just didn't know how to love my daughter

" bullshit card)))
((another pstt but my god i need to have a talk with these novel writers because these tropes are seriously getting out of hand. I literally can't stand it anymore but i still read them bc quirky quirky guilty pleasures))