I Am the Real One

Aug 7, 2020
All the people who are getting mad at her dad for killing her in the first lifetime, please keep in mind that there was prophecy saying that the fake daughter would bring ruin to the world--he didn't kill her for deceit or not being a spirit user, he killed her because he felt forced to choose between either his daughter or the fate of what could have been literally the entire world. Yes, he could be a better dad, but he was choosing to do what he thought would avoid something like an apocalypse. I'm not saying don't blame him for killing her, I'm just saying to keep that in mind.
Jan 4, 2019
It's weird to see people complain about the "stupid" plot with the casino guy or consider it a "sidestory" its central to the main body of the plot which is the MC experiencing all the things she denied herself in her first life. Learning about love, relationships, etc. is clearly a key element of that. People seem too used to stories like this focusing on revenge as the main driving force for the plot but that's explicitly not the case here.

@Quillium Where was this referenced? Because the prophecy as outlined in chapter 1 only mentions that he will have one daughter that will be the saintess there is absolutely nothing about a fake daughter, not least because knowing in advance he would have a fake daughter would change the entire dynamic of the story. It's actually not clear why she was killed, you see some people suddenly call for her death after the fake is revealed and it's implied its perhaps part of a plot by the fake. Her execution as presented seems pretty sudden and weird (which is why you have people like the vice captain protesting it). There's absolutely nothing presented that excuses her fathers behaviour. Now perhaps I've missed or forgotten something in which case I'd love to have it pointed out.
Apr 21, 2020
Honestly I hate fathers like this. I seriously don't care what excuse the author will use to try and sweep the fact that he has neglected her for years or if he's trying to "fix" things now while blaming that "it wasn't the pravis way". He wasn't there when she needed him the most. Fuck him. As a person who went through a similar experience with her own father, I will never forgive him.

But it will all probably be swept under the rug and they'll be a "happy family" afterwards or something.

Also just to note this doesn't mean that I hate him as a character within the story. It is interesting to have him not be the typical doting father figure. I just wish to see a character not necessarily feel the need to accept their horrible parent back into their lives and I hope that this story continues to have her not like him.
Sep 29, 2020
@KOOK13 It’s a pity story, relax a little bit. There are two sides of the coin. Yes he is an insufferable ass but it’s more than likely that not that he was raised without love just like her. This may not mean much to you but for others, maybe you can give him some slack. Billy goes to school, billy gets jumped by bullies, billy goes home, Billy’s little brother wants to play, billy starts acting rash at little brother, since and repeat, billy becomes a bully. This is that father but instead he is neglected and then neglects his kids.

Also I’d like to add that at leased he is doing something to change rather than be the same. It’s not like if you were given the choice, you’d become the villain on purpose (unless your brain is wired that way)

It’s more than likely his family had him taught to stay neutral and not to involve himself with others too.
Aug 1, 2019
How on earth (or whatever brocoli planet this webtoon is supposed to be located on) were we not aware of this aunt ? I would have gone to her immediatly if it was me !
Well I'm very hopeful for this new character as well as the magician guy and the prince, I believe the friendship road is full of new surprises !
Hehehe 😁
Apr 21, 2020

I get your point but I will not excuse a grown ass ADULT for his horrible behaviour no matter how he was raised. Him being raised horribly by his parents does NOT give him the excuse to continue the cycle. The same way that in your example Billy should not continue the cycle of bullying towards his little brother because he should know how much that hurts him, especially since he experienced that pain himself.

He is old enough to realize that that type of behaviour is not okay and doing the bare minimum does not suddenly make years upon years of neglect, which is a form of abuse, go away. He chose to run away and not acknowledge that his behaviour was bad. He even hid behind that prophecy and used it as an excuse as to why he was a terrible father.

Only now after she was done with putting up with his BS, not so coincidentally also when he can no longer control her, does he want to do something about it. That is just manipulative and toxic (as much as I hate to use the word). He is an abusive parent whether he likes it or not.

I'm not saying that the story is bad for having such a character. I'm just saying that I think it would be nice to see him left behind by himself the same way he has left her for years. Poetic justice and all that. Ofc I'm fine with it going the other way as well but I'm just personally tired of characters, especially female characters, having to forgive characters like him. It would be nice to see her just abandon him.

These are just my thoughts tho that are formed based on my personal experiences. You ofc don't have to feel the same way as I do. I'm just putting it out there as an opinion on the whole situation.
Sep 29, 2020
@KOOK13 No no, I have a good idea as to why you feel that way and it's understandable. I'm just putting it out there that the father was brought up a certain way and that is why his actions are the way they are. The man himself said that he thinks it's better to not get involved with his child's life. You pointed out that since he is an adult, he should change and reflect but it's not easy to change. Even if he sees it, it doesn't mean he will actively act to change his behavior which makes changing even harder. The way people are raised shapes what they become and that is a viable excuse for people to act the way they do. If you don't have enough food every day and you steal food because you are hungry and starving. You have an excuse to do that even if it contradicts your morals. If your John Wick and go on a bloody rampage because a gangster killed your dog and stole your car. You have an excuse to do that.
Mar 6, 2019
lol, lots of hating on the dad... but let's be honest guys, there are a lot of shitty dads in the real world too. This is nothing new. In fact, this dad isn't even the worst.
Not all of us grew up with loving dads, and not all of the men we know (or are) will become loving dads.
Dec 1, 2020
I just want to see what actually happened after they killed her... like ,"Well shoot, I guess she was the real one and now we're all gonna die." Kind of wanted to see them get what they deserved, hehe.
Jul 31, 2020
This is so frustrating. Lol why can't they all just be upfront with their feelings? 🙄😤
Apr 9, 2020
Just one thing that i hate from her dad. When he decided to execute Keira and Keira begged him to release her, he didn't even listening. And on the day of the execution, he didn't look sad and just look at Keira's death without feeling guilty. I really hate him. Even though maybe after he found out Keira was the real one, the only daughter he had, i think i still won't forgive him

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