I Asked My First Girlfriend Why She Went Out with Me - Ch. 4 - First dinner with the girlfriend who is dating a useless person.

Aggregator gang
Jan 10, 2023
If me MC, I'd be thankful she dating me, and if she's slowly building me up to be a better man and this is the only way to go, then I'm all for it.
But on the night of 'graduation', deres gonna be some MAAAAD pent up angry consensual humping.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
What a kind hearted girl, even giving attention to human trash like the MC. Definitely a catch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
In simple terms, it's a movement of pick up artists whose techniques only work if their target doesn't have any sense of self-worth, much like the ones used by the girlfriend in this story.
They took the term red pill from the Matrix movies as a metaphor for enlightenment, because they see their techniques as the only way to be successful with women.
Not even close to an accurate description of red pill. Like completely wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
What is a red pill? I'm a foreigner whose native tongue is spanish and I had never heard of this term before.

I apologize if this is supposed to be an obvious thing for english speakers
That person who responded to you and that other idiot that thinks red pill is misogynistic has no idea what they're talking about and are talking outta their ass. Probably saw some video demonizing it.

What the red pill actually is would be intergender dynamics of men and women. Understanding the differences between the sexes and realizing that equality between the sexes is bullshit. We will never be "equal" in the truest sense of the world and we as the sexes are more different then we are similar.

It explains how and why women act a certain way and how and why men act a certain way and the ways to attract and be attractive. "Negging" which is a technique to slightly bring a person down who is overconfident in themselves to generate interest is not what's being done here. Only idiots who have no idea what they're talking about think that this is it when it's just plain abuse.

Oh and the other movement like MGTOW are not red pill. They're Men Who Go Their Own Way. They're basically men who've been burned by relationships with women whether bad breakup, divorce, etc and don't want anything to do with them. The initial idea isn't misogynistic but some people who follow the movement do borderline women hating. Anyway this is a more accurate description on what the red pill is.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
The (gender neutral! lol) term for what she's doing is negging, the misogynistic red pill ideology isn't even necessary for this.

It has nothing to do with the original movie series it references. The Matrix' concept of taking the red pill means waking up to and accepting reality as it is, rather than taking the blue pill and continue living in fantasy land. If you want, you can read about the misogynistic red pill ideology as spread by various groups of misogynists and bigots on wikipedia (manosphere, MGTOW etc.) or use a search engine and look for a proper article. You can read what the creator of the Matrix thinks of this kind of bigot over here.

Here's the legendary quote from The Matrix:
So seeing reality is misogynistic 🤣. Hope you enjoy that fantasy life then.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
I uhh... I've seen enough hentai where on the outside the girl is an S. But on the bed, she's an M. Part of me hoping that was the case but I don't think that works here.

And bruh that credit page isn't a "outta pocket" anymore. This is starting to get outta hand man wtf
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
Dont really think this is about S or M but more N which is narcissist but only has the part where u put others down
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
This is the bad ending of Takagi and Nishikata if she had grown up to be just pure toxicity without any of the dere moments.
Nah, G, Takagi wasn't dogging after Nishikata's self-esteem like this.

This girl's on CG-era Nagatoro-levels of verbal and emotional abuse.

The (gender neutral! lol) term for what she's doing is negging, the misogynistic red pill ideology isn't even necessary for this.

It has nothing to do with the original movie series it references. The Matrix' concept of taking the red pill means waking up to and accepting reality as it is, rather than taking the blue pill and continue living in fantasy land. If you want, you can read about the misogynistic red pill ideology as spread by various groups of misogynists and bigots on wikipedia (manosphere, MGTOW etc.) or use a search engine and look for a proper article. You can read what the creator of the Matrix thinks of this kind of bigot over here.
did you really need to mention how red pill ideology is misogynistic every single time you mentioned it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
Nah, G, Takagi wasn't dogging after Nishikata's self-esteem like this.

This girl's on CG-era Nagatoro-levels of verbal and emotional abuse.

did you really need to mention how red pill ideology is misogynistic every single time you mentioned it
Original Nagatoro was toxic as F, I would not be surprised if she would have gone full ryona tag on senpai if the author had not had his enlightenment.

I remember Nanashi's chimpanzees...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
did you really need to mention how red pill ideology is misogynistic every single time you mentioned it
lol, you're right. I tried to keep it short, so I added it in again at the end without noticing I had mentioned it twice already. At least the repetition gets the point across.
I'll leave it at that and not reply to the redpiller's definition above, though it's pitiful of them to try to paint a pretty picture by posting half-truths in a lazy attempt to rope vulnerable young men towards their toxic ideology. Either way, a better place for engaging that topic is the purple pill subreddit.

To take it back on-topic: I do get the impression she's slowly dropping the unnecessary negging, but whether it could ever make a good romance will depend on whether the author can make everyone forget they ever wanted to punch her for her toxic words.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2020
What the red pill actually is would be intergender dynamics of men and women. Understanding the differences between the sexes and realizing that equality between the sexes is bullshit. We will never be "equal" in the truest sense of the world and we as the sexes are more different then we are similar.

It explains how and why women act a certain way and how and why men act a certain way and the ways to attract and be attractive. "Negging" which is a technique to slightly bring a person down who is overconfident in themselves to generate interest is not what's being done here. Only idiots who have no idea what they're talking about think that this is it when it's just plain abuse.

Oh and the other movement like MGTOW are not red pill. They're Men Who Go Their Own Way. They're basically men who've been burned by relationships with women whether bad breakup, divorce, etc and don't want anything to do with them. The initial idea isn't misogynistic but some people who follow the movement do borderline women hating. Anyway this is a more accurate description on what the red pill is.
I assume you read the chapters so far of the manga you are commenting on and you really don't see the irony of such bullshit you are saying? This manga reverses it, and in that process really shows how ridiculous it is, and how it only works with people with no concept of self-worth.

BTW, negging is a form of psychological abuse. There are plenty of publications by psychologists explaining why that is, in fact your own description shows why it's abusive. It's a bit sad and cringe that you try to downplay it as "a technique to slightly bring a person down who is overconfident in themselves to generate interest" without realizing that even what you said is abusive. Try reversing the genders like this manga does, it might help giving you some self-awareness. Would you like to have your own confidence downplayed in a relationship? Do you understand what that would do to you over time?

The reality is that both those communities are toxic as hell and prey on and profit from men with zero self-worth. Redpill is also not effective with most women, only with those that have issues with confidence and self-worth: there are plenty of testimonials from women explaining why that is, and fortunately younger women are learning to spot red pill bullshit a lot more easily these days and refuse to submit. That's becoming a big problem for red pill men, because even though they only focus on younger and younger women, which are easier to manipulate in theory, the manipulation techniques are not working as they think they should.

It's not that hard to understand that only women with no self-worth would accept 'that equality between the sexes is bullshit', especially in today's society. It's easy for red pill men to accept it, because when they talk about it, they always feel they are the superior sex. For a men with no self-worth it must be incredible to feel "naturally superior" even if you are an useless person otherwise. In that context, equality between sexes would feel like oppression to those men and so it's so much easier to believe in redpill BS than to develop empathy and healthy relationship dynamics.

The MGTOW movement is very much related with red pills, because too many of those men are ex-redpills burned out because their techniques didn't work, and now spend most of their days complaining about women, because any kind of self-reflection is just too hard. It was actually hilarious to lurk into the r/MGTOW subreddit before it was banned and how they thought red pills were clowns.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
I assume you read the chapters so far of the manga you are commenting on and you really don't see the irony of such bullshit you are saying? This manga reverses it, and in that process really shows how ridiculous it is, and how it only works with people with no concept of self-worth.

BTW, negging is a form of psychological abuse. There are plenty of publications by psychologists explaining why that is, in fact your own description shows why it's abusive. It's a bit sad and cringe that you try to downplay it as "a technique to slightly bring a person down who is overconfident in themselves to generate interest" without realizing that even what you said is abusive. Try reversing the genders like this manga does, it might help giving you some self-awareness. Would you like to have your own confidence downplayed in a relationship? Do you understand what that would do to you?

The reality is that both those communities are toxic as hell and prey on and profit from men with zero self-worth. Redpill is also not effective with most women, only with those that have issues with confidence and self-worth: there are plenty of testimonials from women explaining why that is, and fortunately younger women are learning to spot red pill bullshit a lot more easily these days and refuse to submit. That's becoming a big problem for red pill men, because even though they only focus on younger and younger women, which are easier to manipulate in theory, the manipulation techniques are not working as they think should.

It's not that hard to understand that only women with no self-worth would accept 'that equality between the sexes is bullshit', especially in today's society. It's easy for red pill men to accept it, because when they talk about it, they always feel they are the superior sex. For a men with no self-worth it must be incredible to feel "naturally superior" even if you are an useless person otherwise. In that context, equality between sexes would feel like oppression to those men and so it's so much easier to believe in redpill BS than to develop empathy and healthy relationship dynamics.

The MGTOW movement is very much related with red pills, because too many of those men are ex-redpills burned out because their techniques didn't work, and now spend most of their days complaining about women, because any kind of self-reflection is just too hard. It was actually hilarious to lurk into the r/MGTOW subreddit before it was banned and how they thought red pills were clowns.
Wow you're so completely wrong you still obviously have no idea what you're talking about. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest how you can say so much and say nothing correct.

Red pill is not men feeling the superior sex let's get one thing clear. It is accepting the reality for what it is. Not the fantasy bullshit you see in movies, manga, etc. It is understanding that women act a certain way and why and that men act a certain way and why. Understanding the differences between the sexes and how very different we are in our biological imperatives and accepting that truth. That is the true definition of red pill. Whether you agree or not does not matter.

Show me those studies. One thing I'm not very shocked about is how pickup artist are demonized but when you think about it for a second. How did these techniques even develop? These guys went out and talked to women and learned how to interact with and understand women. I find it extremely stupid to say I'm downplaying negging when it is just one of many techniques. I already gave an example in another chapter but since you can't comprehend it I'll give another more detailed example.

Let's say you meet this absurdly hot chick at a party. Everyone is complimenting her looks. All the guys are talking about how pretty and gorgeous she is. One guy who's your friend comes up to you and talks about how she's the prettiest girl in the room. You take one good look at her and say. ''Meh I've seen prettier.'' You could go talk to her but you instead go talk to her friend who isn't as pretty as her. You compliment her friend how you think she's prettier than the absurdly hot girl even when she's not. The girl hears this and comes up to talk to you but you ignore her and only talk to her friend. After finishing your talk to her friend you leave and she follows you and wants to talk to you. Like that you incorporated 2 techniques Negging and feigning ignorance. You didn't boost her ego you slightly brought her down and when she wanted to talk to you, you didn't immediately give her attention you waited till you were done talking to her friend. Nothing abusive happened you were just using techniques to generate interest in yourself. Not hard to understand just retards think you insult a person to gain interest when that's not it at all. It's not hard for a dumbass to take the same technique and mess it up.

This manga is nothing but abusive porn for pathetic dudes who have a fetish for it and reality for men who do not take the red pill.

You want to know why guys with ''zero self-worth'' follow the red pill? Because they've lived in fantasy bullshit land and realize that being a ''nice guy'' who will devote everything and put women on a pedestal is not how you get women or a relationship and will be like the dude in the manga. You want to know what this manga accurately portrays? A blue pilled simp who is so stuck on this one relationship because he has no confidence that he could get another girl. Because of that fear he'd rather stay in a bad relationship then leave it and find someone else.

Let me just say this again so you understand something. Equality of the sexes is bullshit. Women will never be stronger than men. Women are the weaker more vulnerable sex. That is just a biological truth that shows we are not and never will be equal. Men are the sacrificial sex. It is hardwired that men protect women. Eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap. It is a truth that will never change no matter how much time passes. Here's another thing. Women don't have empathy for men. They can feel sympathy but they definitely won't feel empathy. As men you have expectations to fill and if you don't fulfill them you aren't worth the consideration.

Lastly actual followers of red pill understand what you need to do to get women. They need to follow three simple words. Money (Getting their finances in order and making a lot of money) Muscle (Getting their physical health up) and Game (Getting their looks up to snuff and knowing how to interact with women). A proper follower of red pill starts to develop all of these at the same time. It's all about trial and error. You need to get out there, work hard, and learn. All it is. I find it extremely funny how you say ''women are figuring out the manipulation techniques'' when it's nothing like that. Actual successful red pillers are just good people in their social skills and know how to talk to people and have the status to back it up. It's nothing to do with ''manipulation.''

MGTOW is not ex-redpillers and the fact you think that shows me you have no idea what the movement actually is. It is literally just black-pilled doomer men who have been burned by relationships with women and want nothing to do with them. Simple as that.

Final thoughts as someone who is actually successful thanks to red pill knowledge it makes me laugh and annoys me how people think they know what it is when they obviously don't. Telling a young boy if you want something you gotta work for it is not, in your stupid words, ''toxic.'' It's better that he becomes a man others wanna be and women want to have than be a loser ''nice guy'' who has no idea how to navigate relationships and is walked over if he does manage to get one. Good luck with fantasy land I'll be over here in reality.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
lol, you're right. I tried to keep it short, so I added it in again at the end without noticing I had mentioned it twice already. At least the repetition gets the point across.
I'll leave it at that and not reply to the redpiller's definition above, though it's pitiful of them to try to paint a pretty picture by posting half-truths in a lazy attempt to rope vulnerable young men towards their toxic ideology. Either way, a better place for engaging that topic is the purple pill subreddit.

To take it back on-topic: I do get the impression she's slowly dropping the unnecessary negging, but whether it could ever make a good romance will depend on whether the author can make everyone forget they ever wanted to punch her for her toxic words.
Oh and red pill isn't an ideology. You just want to make it that way. Reality and fact is not an ideology. Red pill is a praxeology. What I said was never any ''half truths'' and in fact all you've said is nothing but lies so who is really wrong here?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2020
Oh and red pill isn't an ideology. You just want to make it that way. Reality and fact is not an ideology. Red pill is a praxeology. What I said was never any ''half truths'' and in fact all you've said is nothing but lies so who is really wrong here?
The irony continues.... Praxeology is itself highly ideological, and has been widely criticized for not following the scientific method.
Your ramblings are so detached from reality that you come across as a self-aware wolf: you are spewing much toxicity that you are almost getting why it's toxic. You are so close it's almost like satire.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Well another manga specialy made for those who have humiliation fetish, sad, but expected.
Yeah, seems like it
And bruh that credit page isn't a "outta pocket" anymore. This is starting to get outta hand man wtf
yeah, something feels wrong. Like our homie outta pocket was replaced with some self-proclaimed pickup master

UPD why does the guy from credits page wear cap with cyrillic? Ah, it seems that it says cactus Jack...and who is cactus Jack?
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