I Belong to House Castiello - Ch. 73

Jan 3, 2019
he’s a bad dude bruh don’t trust him,,,, but either ways i don’t really like the emile x estelle ship too soooo uh— 😬
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Honestly, I think Emiel being overprotective is two fold by this point. One, it's his job- which he failed at once. So he has that baggage to deal with. Two, he broke his promise to her by failing said job. So he has that baggage as well.
He's not exactly putting her in a gilded cage, but having failed a young girl who put all that trust into you... I know I'd probably be worse.

Putting the whole love story aside, as it's meta information anyways, I think he's doing exactly what any bodyguard would do if given that second chance. I mean, given the family, I'm surprised he's still alive- or the very least, imprisoned.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@YourFather Noble young ladies, once they reach a certain level of 'OUJO-SAMA', all have access to a planar pocket, not unlike the so-called "hammerspace" available to funny talking animals. However, this space only contains fans.
Feb 4, 2018
She looks like a Villainess with this fan, it's nice.

Also ffs, everyone in the story is shitalking Emiel in the recent chapters.
Mar 8, 2019
Call that little errand boy out on his impudence! HE DARE QUESTION A CASTIELLO!!!!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
Most times, you don't kill the messenger. This is not one of those times.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
emiel is being overbearing, almost to the point of stepping over the line of "bodyguard" (i agree w/ others that he's acting like a jealous boyfriend), and estelle.... seeing her glowering at the messenger like that was such a weird thing to see. like, it doesn't fit her character, or the writing she's been getting since the timeskip (as in she's still written as a spoiled child and not like some calculative noble lady). it's jarring, and poorly done if i'm completely honest. oof
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
Honestly, I don't really like Emiel as of late. At the beginning of this story he was so charming. All the character development we've seen after the time skip just doesn't sit right with me. I understand the maturation of, but it seems like we missed some important event or this writing is just sloppy. Even if Emiel comes to his senses at this point and Estelle gets her act together, I don't really like them as much as I did...
Still enjoying the story though overall, thank you for the translations!
Nov 10, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!

I'm not sure what's going on but honestly I can't even recognise Estelle when she's written like this. It kinda feels like the author wanted to make everyone go like "omg wow look at her standing up for herself!" but it just ends up being cringy, with the fan randomly showing up and especially with the panel of the maids gossiping and spoonfeeding exactly what the author wants you to think 😂

I'm curious to see what happens with Emiel and Estelle. I'm all in for a story about a guard falling in love with the one he's protecting because she's able to handle herself (Recommend me stuff pls ty). So honestly it could've been a cute ship, BUT now it's weird because we pretty much saw her grow up with Emiel being an older brother figure to her. (Not sure about their age gap, in historical/nobility type settings its pretty usual for there to be a bit of a gap).
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
I'm going to be really disappointed if Estelle believes the words of a messenger from a rival house, who has every reason to trick and manipulate her, over her own bodyguard who has been with her for years.

What kind of idiot would fall for such a thing? Does Raymond also have a white van with "Free Candy" spray painted on the side too?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
You can already see that he is upset that Estelle didn't follow him but still won't give up try to manipulated her.
Yeah she isn't that naive and she can protect herself this time.
Jul 30, 2019
If Estelle believed him, I am going to be so so disappointed. I mean, Emiel is trusted by her father to guard her while this messenger is total nobody from the rival house.

Although this story is starting to reveal the plot but so far, the execution is so bad. Everything felt so forced.

All of sudden, there is animosity aimed towards Emiel just because he seems suspicious and has been hiding his true nature? Seriously? We KNOW that Castiello is considered a monster and in fact a different species from the human. The Castiello itself is more monstrous than the knights and Estelle understood the rumors surrounding them since she had been told about it ever since she was little even though she could not accept or believe it but she understood that her family is different and that Castiello is different. So naturally, wouldn't their knights were more bloodthirsty than normal? And Emiel just happened to one of the best so means he was supposed to be more bloodthirsty than the rest. In the first place, he is a KNIGHT, not a cook. They make living by killing to protect someone or something.

Estelle knows Emiel is not perfect ever since kidnapping incident but what I don't understand here, why would Emiel act like he was trying to control Estelle's action just for the sake of her safety? I thought we have resolved the matter of him feel like he is responsible for her being kidnapped?

A lot of things just flow unnaturally ever since the time skip to the point I am considering dropping this webtoon. I know the plot has yet to start but the execution and the build-up for it are awful. It is so cringy and absolutely coming out of nowhere when they put the scene of Estelle stands up for herself. I guess the author is just better at executing slice of life webtoon but very inexperienced at executing heavy plot.


Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
People are giving Emiel flak, but lately Estelle has been very careless given her position. She's walking down the road of giving all her loved ones grief again.
Double-page supporter
Jul 29, 2018
Okay buddy, do you want to leave alive or dead?
Because you probably don't have much of an option now that you said that.
Estelle, just give an order to execute this dude on the spot.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2019
What @Vasqueztion said

Emiel might be way overprotective, but that's logical given it is a miracle the duke didn't skin him alive, and he actually does care about Estelle so protecting her isn't merely a job to him - but geebus, there's someone eleventy billion times shadier to be criticising this chapter. Lay off pedobear Emiel for a bit and worry about what these Raymond house goons have in store.
Sep 6, 2019
Gift that can only be opened at their place??? So she can't even take the gift back with her? Then whats the point of the gift if it has to stay at their place? That 100% a trap.

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