both are broken.
SyntaxError: illegal character popper.min.js:1:1
SyntaxError: illegal character bootstrap.min.js:1:0
SyntaxError: illegal character bootstrap-select.min.js:1:0 seems to fix the dropdowns (bootstrap.min.js & bootstrap-select.min.js) but not the popouts (popper.min.js), yet it also introduces a css error which didn't exist before.
SyntaxError: illegal character popper.min.js:1:1
TypeError: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js ( bootstrap.min.js:6:18101
Expected ',' or '{' but found '='. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. bootstrap-select.min.css:1:11
Found unclosed string '"�U �\3 ���O6���ح$I���þP.�'. Found unclosed string ''\12 �?\10 d3�9I\12 '. Found unclosed string ''�نx\2 OL�gr�:�35��\8 \2 �������\6 P�L�|�\6 F�'. Found unclosed string ''�%bB\8 DѮ�\10 �*�Ш8\"&��*�Y9�;\7f ������\10 3I\18 Q�\13 \1f ���T�Jq��yp\7f ;�o*\13 �*ղ�Y�J�_p\1f �/�n�b\1e ]p��]456U�\f R>l\3 ��P��G��P7���[��\f ���\4 99�9z��~�\3 �g\13 mL�\9 ��!!��z��r�k![�\2 rM�\1 �\16 �\19 u�!D�\6 �>V�u\5 E��k+\18 �m��>!���\7 ؙ�f\"���\9 Ȍ��C�D<��\1f ?c��K����\9 =��\1e �\7f ��ҟ�>*�\2 �ܼ�\13 �k?!f��EpF��'. Found unclosed string ''Y9\16 i�Y\7 ,�W�<�'. Found unclosed string '"��\17 �\3 eH��NTz�G\7f ͏��������̩y�A\17 ��\15 ���i����z\10 �ۂE\1 Ʈ���&'. Found unclosed string ''mk\9 ����\1 �&�bv��\12 ;��\5 R{\b #�j|�6_v\19 \1d �����������ryg�{�\1e ��H^��cSL�!�FGɍ����B.o��\4 c6\9 8�\14 \"����\12 �\7f -�]�\5 J�;�$��G��ڏ��ri�d�}n�Ƹ�Y�-,�\2 =�\8 �j��7_\16 |'. Found unclosed string '"�r��a����-��\13 �+��\b BѶ\1b ��MR�K�\18 v\f �=srALy\'r˨>)m����Ճ;�\1f !�0�����\1f W/R6IL\14 \17 ���u��r��`�\13 �{�Xx�\19 �O�\8 du����'. Unexpected end of file while searching for closing } of invalid rule set.
Yesterday (around 6AM PDT, 11:30AM PDT) when it was working for short periods of time on, none of the js or css files were throwing errors.