Oshiego-kun to wa Dekimasen - Ch. 10

Feb 1, 2023
Why the author did this?
What's the point of a sexual harass chapter with a character we barely know of?
It's so weird, so out of place, so confusing, feels mad artificial, first time saying this but i hope the author gets backlash from JP readers on X so he just finishes this arc next chap and act like it was never a thing
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
This whole chapter was a big yikes on all fronts.

First, the girl goes a bit nuts.

Then the MC rejects her in the worst way possible - that kind of reaction can cause long-term damage to someone. I just can't not feel bad for her there, regardless of what she did prior.

And after that, he is confused about why his teenage body, which probably gets boners from looking at a curvy bottle or hearing the word boobs, got one from looking at a naked girl... And he acts like it's the end of the world... Just from that reaction, we know that mentally he's barely a teenager, let alone an adult ready to get into a relationship with someone who is in their mid-30s.

The premise worked when it was kinda joky, in a short-format manga kind of way. But if we are talking realism, someone who's 35 would have virtually nothing to talk about with someone who's 18. Unless they both like similar media, like games or TV shows, but that's just a filler. What else though? Will they reminisce in bed about the time she was his teacher? Please. After this chapter I'm 100% with Sensei - this guy needs to move on. Some might pull it off, but he is at least 10 years too early from dating in 30s.
My brother in Christ she sexual harrassed him, who give a fuck about the damage to her? Flip the role, would you still say a girl is damaging the mental health of a boy who just flash his dick in front of her to try to force her to love him when she just turn him down a moment ago?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
But if we are talking realism, someone who's 35 would have virtually nothing to talk about with someone who's 18.
He's not trying to "talk", he's trying to get married with her and probably have children. The fact that they're in different stations in life-- and that he's barely an adult-- certainly would pose difficulty, but it remains to be seen how that's overcome.

One thing's for certain is that in age gap romances like this, it's typical for the man to build himself up in a coming-of-age sort of way as a means to prove himself as worthy of a relationship with the woman he seeks.

"You know, that I'm 18 if we to get married we could do ANYTHING senpai".
That is categorically different than rapidly and violently undressing in front of someone in a fit of desperation.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Jacks Law of Modern Romcoms:

“Between the chapters 8-13 a secondary love rival will be introduced. This may be used to expedite or hinder the original relationships progress.”
Any context behind how that law was coined :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2020
Next stop: girl telling the school principal that MC forced her to strip, or somesuch?

I want to be proven wrong here.
Yeah, I was afraid later that he'd get accused of attacking her, whether she does the accusation or someone else gets the wrong idea. Seriously hope it doesn't go that way.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I'm baffled by how fucking stupid that was.

I get the want to add drama, but do we really need it? Can't we just have this young Chad trying to woe over the FMC, and that's it.

Just every Chapter is her falling more and more for him.
It's so stupid isn't it? I was just bitching in a thread for Gal Yome no Himitsu for doing the same stupid thing. Can't think of any way to actually create an interesting story with a romance between two people, so they just lazily fall back on adding a love rival that we all know is going nowhere just for drama. I swear it's the most annoying thing ever, and I've dropped a fair few manga for it because they handled it so badly.

Just really wish they had more imagination.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 8, 2020
:haa: first of all, get your own hentai doujinshi, little harlot. Second of all, is he not going to get into a scandal because of all these? Is nobody noticing?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
at this point she's just trying to force herself on him....and just in case someone thinks "isnt it just fine?"....just reverse the roles in your head and you would have a guy you all would love to send to jail instant....
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
To be honest, I started reading expecting a 100% cute and fluffy age gap romcom, but ot seems like the protagonists aren't going to be together until maybe the end after a lot of drama. Maybe I should've put more attention to the tags...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
While I disagree with the idea that we should view her actions any differently than if a guy exposed himself to a girl who rejected him, I agree with the rest of your statement. It's clearly obvious to everyone, the reader, Shou, and Sensei, that she's obviously attracted to him and making up excuses to not move forward. It's very very different from a clear "no, I only see you as a friend" "I have someone else I love". He even explicitly states that he would move on if she found someone else that she loved and made her happy.

They are not equitable at all, you'd have to be completely blind to the nuances of their situations to believe that.
I won't argue with you that we should view the actions differently because of sex, but I do want to share a thought that occurred to me.

I've heard it frequently said that a man's value to women is in what he can achieve in terms of providence and protection, whereas a woman's value to men is more intrinsic to them-- things like their beauty and their personalities, especially in service of fostering family and community.

The truth of that notwithstanding, I find it interesting that Shou and Fujieda both make their appeals to the person of their affections exactly according to that notion, after initially approaching with just their feelings*. Shou's making plans to train to become someone that can provide with/for Sensei (though he was planning on what he intended to begin with, I believe), whereas Fujieda makes an extensive appeal to Shou using her body. I already remarked in an earlier thread that this is the second manga I've seen where protagonist and heroine are physically idealized avatars of their respective sexes, so I find it interesting that Shou and Fujieda** together embody this-- for lack of a more concise term-- comically idealized sexual dimorphism.

I suspect that this is in accordance with a specific genre I'm unaware of...

*Granted, Fujieda was also told that Shou's a pervert, and I think that we're meant to understand that she's irrationally and desperately acting according to that falsehood.
**Who isn't the heroine of this manga, of course-- bear with me.
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