@Raknasuu how was she perceptive at the amusement park chapter? I don't remember anything like that, maybe I'll re-read it later.
But, yeah, I have a strong feeling Hinami and Morinaga are gonna be paired up for real in the future (though, of course, I'm biased cause I
love Morinaga and I want her to have her own ship). I called it that Morinaga was gonna be a super chad awesome friend from the start when everybody was thinking she was going to be a rival (for no reason), so hopefully I'm right again.
@darkmaster006 I'm a little disappointed too, but tbh this is actually better. It's good for them to develop a relationship more naturally as opposed to based on the weird arrangement they had before. Plus, I'm pretty sure Sakurai is already in love with Honda, she just couldn't say it properly cause she's inexperienced (like the cheer squad mentioned), so I don't think it'll take too long for us to get a proper confession.