I Don't Know if It's LOVE or MAGIC! - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Captivating Troubles

Nov 29, 2020
@Takaflame Actually, the mc didn't want a harem, it was just an excuse from wanting to be on phoenix grade/level just like Mai (his childhood friend), and he wanted to be by her side as one of the seven sages, get it? If you don't, then you should go back and read the first chapter again. I'm not offending you, I'm just saying the truth so please don't get mad at me, and have a good day ^ω^
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2019
We have a problem sir, new girl's absolute zone is too strong!
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2020
and it seems like the childhood friend is the worst girl.
the best girl goes YEET.
and then she will win.
what an era of manga lol
Active member
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
I bet that's a jealous as hell, what's he doing with that girl instead of me glare as opposed to the looking at a pervert fooling around in broad daylight glare. Guy should get some sunglasses to block his ability until gets a better handle on controlling it or the misunderstandings and inflated rumors are just going to keep exploding. In any case, it's good he's got someone to help him learn and understands where he's coming from. Although shouldn't there be some protective charms or something the girls can wear that prevents mental magic like his from affecting them?

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