I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Sex with My Coworker Who Sits Next to Me - Ch. 1 - I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Se…

May 19, 2019
Have you been cucked by a bi person ?
Lol, right from the start you're going on script. Nice.

Who hurt you?
Lmao, can't believe a 3d person would say something like that, let alone had put that in print. You're such a bot.

Gonna destroy some else with “facts and logic?"
Yeah, yeah, go jerk your slit to Cenk Uygur or someone similar if that's what you're into. You can live in fairy tales for all I care, but raw data does not lie.
Apr 15, 2019

Your comments are so incredibly stupid, it's blowing my mind.

But no, no they're not, at least not the modern ones according to anonymous surveys and studies.

This is a case of you being flatly incapable of analyzing data. Bisexuals are less monogamous on average relative to heterosexual and homosexuals. This does not mean that bisexuals are incapable of monogamy - in fact, there are just as many monogamous bisexuals as there are polyamorous ones, if not more. There are plenty of strictly monogamous bisexuals. Additionally, being non-monogamist does not mean they will cheat on their partner; it means they will avoid monogamous relationships.

raw data does not lie

No, it doesn't, but you're clearly not smart enough to understand the data available to us. Or perhaps you're intentionally misrepresenting said data out of malice.

Here, you can read a bit about it, maybe you'll learn something. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/strictly-casual/201409/are-bisexuals-really-less-monogamous-everyone-else
May 19, 2019

Your comments are so incredibly stupid, it's blowing my mind.

Hey, same goes for nigh all I've seen from you princess. I really mean it, your shit is nauseatingly predictable and silly when not downright stupid.

This is a case of you being flatly incapable of analyzing data. Bisexuals are less monogamous on average relative to heterosexual and homosexuals. This does not mean that bisexuals are incapable of monogamy

Ah, caught on semantic technicality. It's the case of you being flatly incapable of reading between lines, or just taking words on literal face value, out of sheer malice or plain stupidity.

So, since due to your limitations it needs to be stated verbatim: I've meant "on average"

- in fact, there are just as many monogamous bisexuals as there are polyamorous ones, if not more. There are plenty of strictly monogamous bisexuals.

Uh-huh, sure. Well, you'd the used phrase "in fact" with authoritative tone, so I guess it must be true.

That said, just as I've mentioned to the other commenter - not my business what unsubstantiated by reality bullshit person chooses to believe to get herself through life. But I'm not gonna sit quiet when confrotned with that bullshit either.

Additionally, being non-monogamist does not mean they will cheat on their partner; it means they will avoid monogamous relationships.
Yes, awesome tautology, but again, what does it have to do with anything that I wrote? Aside from the higher average strongly implying something about group of people possesing particular common, deeply neuropysiologically rooted trait that is. And additionaly, quite likely, from you (mis)presenting mentioned data from specific angles to paint the picture which suits your worldview.

...and holy shit, did you really just linked the cancer that is psychology today? You didn't, did you? Because if you did, I'd be inclined to believe that you don't have any idea what you're talking about and were forced to procure some 'source' - any kind really - ad-hoc. It also doesn't help that somehow you'd managed to be smug and condescending about doing it. "Knowing is half the battle", lol.

You're not as smart as you think you are princess. Oh, and the tribal reaffirmation at the end? Very nice. Binary mentality is exactly what one'd expect from a person speaking like you: a sad drone sadly singing her script code.

Apr 16, 2020
First thing I noticed phobes in the comments( Seriously the shit that is psychology? Bruh that’s actual science you go to college for. Face it your opinion is biased not factual.) second HOLY SHIT THIS MANGA MOVES FAST.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Cute, so cute.. and sexy ehe >w<
I love a story full of love,
I loved it <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Sep 28, 2020
sha todos en los comentarios pegandose las medias reflexiones y yo lo unico que puedo pensar es en que wn no se saco los lentes pa culiar la wea incomoda

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