Well, she hasn't interacted with her classmates so she really won't understand. She thinks of herself as "better" than most of them for being different, which may be true at some aspect, but mostly because of pride. It's like how weebs think of how lowly the non-weebs are and vice versa.
Dang, the MC has no chill in this CH.
It's not nice when it's Your turn huh
(She also need to stop addressing Her Friend as weak too, hope She realize that People worked differently)
@kiero13 i like the analogy that you chose lol. but honestly i don't care if they are weebs or not, their still people, i dont get why people criticize others just because they dont watch anime or read manga.🙃
Yup I also think that. The parallels between the MC and the Granny and other women are too similar to be coincidence. The prostitute women said she couldn't save her friend cause she was too late to notice. The Granny on the other hand has a friend who draws.
It's easier to convey through words, but doesn't mean it's more efficient or better. Anyone can convey through words reasonably, but it takes a good amount of practice and skill to convey things well through art.