I Liked Your Bad Sides - Oneshot

Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
"You were red, and you liked me because I was blue
But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky
Then you decided purple just wasn't for you"
Jun 8, 2020
Oof. Been there, experience that.
Good art, simple yet beautiful.
Thanks for the translation 😘
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2019
I really didn't expect something that would hurt so much, and to have no one to blame for it
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
You the problem with these people?
They don't seem to know how to talk their feelings out.
How is your lover supposed to guess what you feel?!?!
Active member
Apr 15, 2019
@Alice_is_lost I've been in this kind of relationship. I was the girl that couldn't change.

And to answer your question "How is your lover supposed to guess what you feel?!?!"

There are times that I don't know what's the meaning of my feelings. Like why am I feeling this, what is this, what does this mean, and I was lost.

Guess what, I ended up learning the answer after we broke up 3 years ago. The answer was the same, I didn't change and afraid of changes. Though it's too late and I am far too late to know what's the answer is. Still I am happy that my ex found someone now. I cried but I was happy for her.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
@throughstars My point is, you're supposed to talk about what you feel, It doesn't matter if you understand or not or you can't put a name to it. If you are in a relationship you have to share what you feel, even if you don't know what it is, you can go through it together, discover the problem and face it together.

People are scared of the unknown, a lot of the times they ignore it because they can't understand it, but a problem is a problem, just because you can't understand it it doesn't mean it isn't there, so it will continue being a problem if you don't face it.

Change can be scary, but if you don't adapt you'll be left behind, I know this because I try to change, and it's really difficult, but i have to try.

Maybe in your next relationship don't be afraid to take risks, and if they can't face the unknown with you, maybe they're not the right person, however there's no way of knowing if you don't take a leap of faith.
Aggregator gang
Oct 11, 2020
So basically, she was missing her past girlfriend. She doesn’t want her to try harder, she was fine with how she was before. I guess you can see she is a completely different person, maybe that’s why she’s so upset. Or, she rather preferred that childish side of her.
Feb 17, 2021
She probably feels bad and thinks she doesn't deserve her girlfriend's changing for the better just for her
Active member
Nov 28, 2020
Oof this hit right in the feels. I had a somewhat similar experience. Sometimes it feels like you're unable to change for your partner, and you feel guilty because they do their best for you and your relationship.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2020
Will somebody what exactly happened in the story i don't quite get it
Idk if u still need but... pretty much the blonde hair girl (?) likes the black hair girl, the past black hair girl with all her flaws and stuff. But ofc black hair girl wants to be a better GF for blond hair girl so she decides to get rid of her bad sides, the bad sides that the blonde girl loved. So they broke up bcs the blonde hair girl fell out of love bcs the person she liked was no longer herself or maybe bcs she didn't feel worthy enough for her.

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